Gambaran pelaksanaan observasi pasien dengan early warning score (ews) kategori rendah dan medium di ruangan rawat inap bethesda 2 rumah sakit umum siloam kupang = an overview of the implementation of the patient's observational early warning score (ews) category of low and medium in inpatient bethesda 2 general hospital siloam kupang

Lami, Dian Mentari P. S. (2018) Gambaran pelaksanaan observasi pasien dengan early warning score (ews) kategori rendah dan medium di ruangan rawat inap bethesda 2 rumah sakit umum siloam kupang = an overview of the implementation of the patient's observational early warning score (ews) category of low and medium in inpatient bethesda 2 general hospital siloam kupang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Respiratory cardiac arrest is a condition of a life threatening emergency. In the service of the hospital, patients with non-stop your breath and heart will do the action code blue. Data General Hospital Siloam Kupang, patients who died in the months of April to June 2017 approximately 35 patients died and 19 patients experienced code blue in the hospitalization. The decline of the patient's condition can be done with a system of early detection were Early Warning Score/EWS. The purpose of this research is to know the description of patient observation implementation as EWS of low and medium category in Bethesda 2 Inpatient Room Siloam Kupang. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method. The population in this study were patients in the Bethesda 2 Inpatient Room Siloam Kupang which that add up to 40 patients and samples taken on the basis of the calculation formula of Slovin is as much as 36 respondents, however the but respondents obtained for 2 weeks of data collection was much as 35 respondents. Sampling technique used was purposive samplingtechnique analysis of univariate data. The results of the data collection was obtained by observation of the implemetation of EWS category low with timeliness include 7.4% and EWS medium requirements not performed observation perhours. Suggestion for hospital Siloam Kupang expected research results obtained into evaluation system that has been running for maximum results / Cardiac respiratory arrest adalah kondisi gawat darurat yang mengancam nyawa. Dalam pelayanan rumah sakit, pasien dengan henti napas dan henti jantung akan dilakukan tindakan code blue. Data rumah sakit umum Siloam Kupang, pasien yang meninggal pada bulan April hingga Juni 2017 sekitar 35 pasien meninggal dan 19 pasien mengalami code blue di ruang rawat inap. Kemunduran kondisi pasien dapat dilakukan indetifikasi deteksi dini dengan sistem Early Warning Score/ EWS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan observasi pasien dengan EWS kategori ringan dan mediumdi ruangan rawat inap Bethesda 2 Rumah Sakit Umum Siloam Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pasien di ruangan rawat inap Bethesda 2 Rumah Sakit Umum Siloam Kupang yang berjumlah 40 pasien dan sampel yang diambil berdasarkan perhitungan rumus Slovin adalah sebanyak 36 responden, namun responden yang didapat selama 2 minggu pengumpulan data sebanyak 35 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan teknik analisa data univariat. Hasil dari pengumupulan data didapatkan pelaksanaan observasi EWS kategori rendah dengan ketepatan waktu mencakup 7,4 % dan EWS ketegori medium tidak dilakukan observasi perjam. Saran bagi rumah sakit Silaom Kupang diharapkan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan dapat menjadi evaluasi sistem yang telah berjalan untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Lami, Dian Mentari P. S.
Thesis advisor
Manik, Marisa Junianti
Thesis advisor
Simamora, Oberlin
Uncontrolled Keywords: early warning score; respon aktivasi klinis; early warning score; clinical activation response
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 08 Jul 2019 08:27
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2020 01:25

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