Studi fenomenologi kualitatif: dampak psikologis terhadap nyeri pada ibu postpartum normal di maternity rumah sakit siloam sriwijaya palembang = qualitative phenomenological study: psychological impact on postpartum normal mother in maternity siloam hospital sriwijaya palembang

Methadistya, Christin (2018) Studi fenomenologi kualitatif: dampak psikologis terhadap nyeri pada ibu postpartum normal di maternity rumah sakit siloam sriwijaya palembang = qualitative phenomenological study: psychological impact on postpartum normal mother in maternity siloam hospital sriwijaya palembang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Postpartum pain felt by the mother postpartum caused due to rips the way birth (episiotomy) normally or inadvertently. According to the WHO (2011) nearly 90% of normal labor suffered a tear the perineum either with or without episiotomy. Not all patients experiencing normal postpartum pain against psychological effects. So the researchers interested in knowing the impact of pain against psychological, especially at postpartum mother is normal in the Maternity Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang Hospital. Purpose: to explore the experience of the pain of the mother post. Normal!, which had an impact on the psychological in the Maternity Siloam Sriwijaya Hospital Palembang. Design research used the qualitative Phenomenology. Sample using purposive sampling, retrieved amount of sample 4 sample criteria i.e. normal postpartum mother (G1P1A0) first day-two. The collection of qualitative data processing of data interpreted according to its own researchers and use interview techniques for 10 minutes more. This research was conducted in November of 2017. The results of the research there are three great themes of psychological pain against impact: change in behavior patterns, the psychological and the perception of pain. Advice to the next researcher to better understand and recognize the field as well as provide in-depth questions to get more accurate information / Nyeri postpartum yang dirasakan oleh ibu postpartum disebabkan karena adanya robekan jalan lahir (episiotomy) secara normal atau sengaja. Menurut WHO (2011) hampir 90% proses persalinan normal itu mengalami robekan perineum baik dengan atau tanpa episiotomy. Tidak semua pasien postpartum normal mengalami efek nyeri terhadap psikologis. Sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui dampak nyeri terhadap psikologis khususnya pada ibu postpartum normal di Maternity RS. Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang. Tujuan: untuk menggali pengalaman nyeri ibu post. Partum normal yang berdampak pada psikologis di Maternity RS. Siloam Sriwijaya Palembang. Desain penelitian yang digunakan fenomenologi kualitatif. Sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, diperoleh jumlah sampel 4 orang dengan kriteria sampel yaitu ibu postpartum normal (G1P1A0) hari pertama-kedua. Pengumpulan data kualitatif Pengolahan data diinterpretasikan menurut peneliti sendiri dan menggunakan teknik wawancara kuranglebih selama 10 menit. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2017. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada tiga tema besar dampak nyeri terhadap psikologis yaitu: perubahan pola perilaku, psikologis dan persepsi nyeri. Saran kepada peneliti selanjutnya yaitu lebih memahami dan mengenali lapangan serta memberikan pertanyaan mendalam untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih akurat.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Methadistya, Christin
Thesis advisor
Sumartiningsih, Maria Susila
Thesis advisor
Guinda, Catharina
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dampak Nyeri Psikologis; postpartum Normal; Impact of Psychological Pain; Normal Postpartum
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2019 05:13
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2020 03:06

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