Pendaftaran jaminan fidusia berdasarkan kuasa di dalam akta jaminan fidusia yang telah jatuh tempo

Ronald, Ronald (2019) Pendaftaran jaminan fidusia berdasarkan kuasa di dalam akta jaminan fidusia yang telah jatuh tempo. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Collateral given as a security for a loan received by debtor and given by creditor, whose method of binding is by using a fiduciary means, is of no less important than any other collaterals whose method of bindings are aside of fiduciary means. To guarantee that the collateral binding is made perfectly and as a result gives preferences to the creditor over the collateral and also gives certainty of law regarding it to every parties, the government had issued numerous regulations in order to support that cause. Being found in practice that the binding of a collateral object in which the binding is by using fiduciary means are not properly being conducted in accordance of the regulations, in other word are not being submitted for its registrations, makes it interesting to be conducted a research upon. The issue that’s going to be studied here is how is the status of fiduciary collateral whose registrations was based on fiduciary deed that’s made by using the power of attorney written within the fiduciary deed that is already expired and how’s the executions upon fiduciary collateral whose registrations was made based on fiduciary deed where the parties signing it were the Bank as the attorney of Fiduciary Assignee and the bank as the Fiduciary Assignee. This research adopted normative approach. The collection of data was made using statute approach. The creditors do not immediately register the fiduciary object with the sole purpose to help the clients to minimize the credit fees. From this research, can be concluded that the status of fiduciary collateral as a means credit of security, in which the registrations of collateral of fiduciary object as a credit means of security with a fiduciary deed made by using the power of attorney written within the fiduciary deed that is already expired, still gives rights of preferences to creditors whose name is written as the fiduciary acceptor and also effectively valid to the third parties. Because all the provisions for a registrations has been fulfilled and fiduciary certificate has been issued are signs that fiduciary collateral has come into being. Due to the executions of collaterals, as long as the conditions for a binding of has been met, such as the existence of credit agreement, fiduciary deed made before a notary, breach of a contract by the debtor and the availability of the fiduciary object by terms of that the object is still exist, not lost or vanished, then there could be no reasons of denial by the third party, claiming that the executions of fiduciary object cannot be commenced. / Pemberian jaminan berupa kebendaan yang pengikatan agunannya dilakukan secara fidusia untuk menjamin suatu pinjaman yang diterima oleh debitur dari kreditur tidak kalah pentingnya dengan pemberian jaminan kebendaan lainnya yang pengikatan agunannya diluar fidusia. Untuk menjamin pengikatan agunan tersebut terlaksana sempurna serta memberikan hak preferensi kepada kreditur sehingga memberikan kepastian hukum bagi semua pihak, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai peraturan demi menunjang kepastian hukum tersebut. Ditemukannya dalam praktek bahwa pengikatan objek jaminan secara fidusia tidak selalu dilakukan dengan sempurna dalam arti tidak segera didaftarkan menjadi menarik untuk diteliti. Permasalahan yang hendak dikaji disini adalah bagaimanakah status Jaminan Fidusia yang pendaftarannya berdasarkan akta Jaminan Fidusia yang dibuat berdasarkan kuasa yang tercantum di dalam akta Jaminan Fidusia yang telah jatuh tempo dan bagaimanakah eksekusinya terhadap Jaminan Fidusia yang pendaftarannya berdasarkan akta Jaminan Fidusia dimana para pihak yang bertandatangan di dalamnya adalah bank selaku kuasa dari Pemberi Fidusia dan bank selaku Penerima Fidusia. Penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundangundangan. Kreditur tidak segera melakukan pendaftaran jaminan fidusia demi membantu nasabah meringankan biaya kredit. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa status Jaminan Fidusia sebagai jaminan kredit yang pendaftarannya berdasarkan akta Jaminan Fidusia yang dibuat berdasarkan kuasa yang tercantum di dalam akta Jaminan Fidusia yang telah jatuh tempo, tetaplah memberikan hak preferensi kepada kreditur yang namanya tercantum sebagai penerima fidusia serta berlaku efektif terhadap pihak ketiga. Dasarnya adalah karena semua persyaratan pendaftarannya telah terpenuhi serta telah terbit sertifikat sebagai bukti lahirnya Jaminan Fidusia. Sedangkan tekait mengenai eksekusi jaminannya menurut penulis selama semua persyaratan pengikatan fidusia telah terpenuhi seperti, adanya perjanjian pokok, pembuatan akta jaminan fidusia secara notaril, adanya wanprestasi dari debitur dan adanya objek Jaminan Fidusia dalam arti tidak hilang/ musnah, maka tidak ada alasan dari pihak ketiga yang mengatakan eksekusi terhadap objek Jaminan Fidusia tidak dapat dilakukan.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Ronald, Ronald
Thesis advisor
Silalahi, Udin
Additional Information: T 56-16 RON p
Uncontrolled Keywords: Registration ; Expired Fiduciary Deed ; Execution
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Jul 2019 06:24
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2021 07:10

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