Gambaran kepuasan pasien terhadap komunikasi perawat di unit rawat jalan rumah sakit siloam bali = description of patient satisfaction to nursing communications in outpatient department of siloam hospitals bali

Bestari, Aprilia (2018) Gambaran kepuasan pasien terhadap komunikasi perawat di unit rawat jalan rumah sakit siloam bali = description of patient satisfaction to nursing communications in outpatient department of siloam hospitals bali. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Background: The communication between nurse and clients has a therapeutic relationship aimed at healing client. Nurses who have therapeutic communication skills will easily to build trusting relationship with clients, prevent the occurrence of legal ethics, provide professional satisfaction in nursing service, improve the image of nursing professions and hospitals in providing service. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia in 2011 showed that still found a complaints about patient dissatisfaction with nursing service. Objective: To identify the description of nurse communication implementation and to identify the description patient satisfaction on nurse communication in Outpatient Department of Siloam Hospital Bali. Research Method: Descriptive quantitative with Accidental Sampling technique. Questionnaire research instrument. Population 200 outpatients. Reseacrh sample 134 patient. Study was conducted from October to November 2017. Result: The study showed that overall 89 respondents with a percentage of 66.4% stated “satisfied” about nurse’s therapeutic communication. The implementation of therapeutic communication of nurses on average was 66% included in eithet category. Advice: Nurses are able to maintain and improve the implementation of therapeutic communication in order to achieve patient satisfaction in the services provided / Latar Belakang: Komunikasi antar perawat dan klien memiliki hubungan terapeutik yang bertujuan untuk kesembuhan klien. Perawat yang memiliki ketrampilan berkomunikasi terapeutik akan mudah membina hubungan saling percaya dengan klien, mencegah terjadinya legal etik, memberikan kepuasan profesional dalam pelayanan Keperawatan, meningkatkan citra profesi Keperawatan dan Rumah Sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia tahun 2011 menunjukkan bahwa masih ditemukan adanya keluhan tentang ketidakpuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian: Mengidentifikasi gambaran pelaksanaan komunikasi perawat dan mengidentifikasi gambaran kepuasan pasien terhadap komunikasi perawat di Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Siloam Bali. Metode Penelitian: Descriptive quantitative dengan teknik Accidental Sampling. Instrumen penelitian kuesioner. Populasi 200 pasien Rawat Jalan. Sampel penelitian 134 pasien Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Siloam Bali. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober – November 2017. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan 89 responden dengan persentase 66.4% menyatakan “puas” akan komunikasi terapeutik perawat. Pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik perawat rata-rata 66% termasuk dalam kategori baik. Saran: Perawat mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pelaksanaan komunikasi terapeutik guna mencapai kepuasan pasien dalam pelayanan yang diberikan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Bestari, Aprilia
Thesis advisor
Elysabeth, Dame
Thesis advisor
Agustina, Triulan
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepuasan pasien; Komunikasi perawat; Komunikasi terapeutik; Nurse communication; Patient satisfaction; Therapeutic Communication
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2019 05:15
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2020 02:44

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