Sikap perawat terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab medication error di ruang rawat inap siloam hospitals labuan bajo = the attitude of the nurses to the factors causing medication error in the inpatient department of siloam hospitals labuan bajo

Mapussa, Andian Stevanny (2018) Sikap perawat terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab medication error di ruang rawat inap siloam hospitals labuan bajo = the attitude of the nurses to the factors causing medication error in the inpatient department of siloam hospitals labuan bajo. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Medication error is an event that can endanger the patient safety done by health workers and patients and families. The purpose of this research is to identify the attitude of the nurses to the factors causing medication error in the Inpatient Department of Siloam Hospitals Labuan Bajo , using descriptive quantitative research method. Respondents in this study as many as 18 nurses and research instruments used are questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed using univariate data analysis method. The results showed nurses agree that the cause of medication error is lack of information about the patient; lack of information about the drug to be administered; communication failure and teamwork; standardization, storage and distribution of unsafe drugs; tools used to deliver non-standard, defective, or insecure drugs; environmental factors and employment patterns that do not support safety; and lack of education to patients about drugs and drug errors / Medication error merupakan suatu kejadian yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan pasien yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan maupun pasien dan keluarga. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi sikap perawat terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab medication error di ruang rawat inap Siloam Hospitals Labuan Bajo ini menggunakan metode penelitian descriptive quantitative. Responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 18 perawat dan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan metode analisa data univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sikap perawat lebih ke arah positif terhadap faktor penyebab medication error yaitu kurangnya informasi tentang pasien; kurangnya informasi tentang obat yang akan diberikan; kegagalan komunikasi dan kerjasama tim; standarisasi, penyimpanan, dan distribusi obat yang tidak aman; alat yang digunakan untuk memberikan obat tidak sesuai standar, cacat, atau tidak aman; faktor lingkungan dan pola kepegawaian yang tidak mendukung keselamatan; dan kurangnya edukasi kepada pasien tentang obat dan kesalahan obat.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Mapussa, Andian Stevanny
Thesis advisor
Sitanggang, Yenni F.
Thesis advisor
Theresia, Theresia
Uncontrolled Keywords: Medication Error; sikap perawat; faktor penyebab medication error; medication error; the attitude of the nurses; factors causing medication error.
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Jul 2019 03:22
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2020 02:31

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