Pemahaman elite mengenai pemberitaan pelaksanaan pilkada di tengah pandemi Covid-19

Hazwara, Deri (2021) Pemahaman elite mengenai pemberitaan pelaksanaan pilkada di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Sebagai penganut sistem Demokrasi , penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia memilih seseorang untuk mengisi jabatan – jabatan Politis pada posisi tertentu. Proses ini biasa kita sebut dengan Pemilihan Umum (PEMILU). Namun proses pemilihan pada tahun 2020, tidak berlangsung seperti biasanya dikarekanan wabah pandemi corono virus desease 2019 yang sedang dialami oleh beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia. Pemberitaan mengenai berlangsungnya Pilkada menuai banyak respons dari beberapa lembaga masyarakat. Pemberitaan yang muncul dari masyarakat terkait pelaksanaan Pilkada 2020 menjadi hal yang dikaji oleh peneliti ditinjau dari sudut pandang elite sebagai pengawas kebijakan dalam hal ini DPR RI ataupun pengurus aktif dalam partai. Melihat bagaimana elite mempersepsikan pemberitaan terkait kebijakan ini menjadi satu hal yang penting. Persepsi yang muncul dari elite akan memberikan satu gambaran yang tidak ditampilkan oleh media yang hanya berfokus memberitakan respons mayoritas masyarakat yang menjalankan kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian fenomenologi dilakukan dengan data primer, yaitu wawancara dan observasi dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para informan dengan menunjukkan pemberitaan respon masyarakat mengenai pemberitaan pelaksanaan pilkada yang tetap dilakukan ditengah pandemi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elite melihat pemberitaan mengenai pilkada yang dilakukan oleh media cenderung tidak berimbang dan hanya berfokus pada data dan fakta mengenai data pasien Covid-19. Media tidak melakukan fungsi edukasi guna membentuk pemahaman bagi masyarakat, kenapa pilkada ini penting dilakukan walaupun kita berada ditengah pandemi./As adherents of the democratic system, it is important for the Indonesian people to choose someone to fill political positions in certain positions. This process is known as the General Election (PEMILU). However, the election process in 2020 did not take place as usual due to the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic that was being experienced by several countries, including Indonesia. The news about the Pilkada has received a lot of responses from several community institutions. The news that emerged from the public regarding the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada was studied by researchers in terms of the elite's point of view as policy supervisors in this case the DPR RI or active members of the party. Seeing how the elite perceives news related to this policy is an important thing. The perception that emerges from the elite will provide a picture that is not displayed by the media which only focuses on reporting the response of the majority of people who carry out the policy. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological research methods carried out with primary data, namely interviews and documentation observations. Interviews were conducted with informants by showing the public's response to the news on the implementation of the regional elections which were still being carried out in the midst of a pandemic. The results showed that the elite saw the news about the elections carried out by the media tended to be unbalanced and only focused on data and facts regarding data on COVID-19 patients. The media does not carry out an educational function to form understanding for the community, why this election is important even though we are in the middle of a pandemic.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Hazwara, Deri
Thesis advisor
Herlijanto, Johanes
Uncontrolled Keywords: Communication ; Politics ; Elite ; Perception ; Pilkada ; Covid-19
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Master of Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 19302 not found.
Date Deposited: 12 Aug 2021 06:56
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2022 23:02

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