Hubungan kejadian perubahan sindroma mata kering dengan satu bulan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada Angkatan 2018 Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UPH = Effects of one-month distance learning with changes in dry eye syndrome in Pelita Harapan university medical students batch 2018

Yapiter, Jesslyn Alvina (2021) Hubungan kejadian perubahan sindroma mata kering dengan satu bulan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada Angkatan 2018 Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UPH = Effects of one-month distance learning with changes in dry eye syndrome in Pelita Harapan university medical students batch 2018. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Latar Belakang Sindroma Mata Kering adalah kekeringan pada mata yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Faktor yang paling sering terjadi adalah penggunaan alat elektronik. Selama pandemi korona, mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk melakukan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh sehingga paparan terhadap alat elektronik lebih meningkat. Hal tersebut dapat mengakibatkan berbagai gejala yang mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari mahasiswa. Tujuan Membuktikan hipotesa apakah selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh berlangsung, mahasiswa FK UPH Angkatan 2018 akan mengalami perubahan pada kejadian Sindroma Mata Kering. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional. 77 mahasiswa angkatan 2018 FK UPH dipilih dengan Convinience Sampling. Data diperoleh dari kuesioner Ocular Surface Disease Index. Data diolah menggunakan SPSS dan dianalisa dengan uji Chi Square. Hasil Diperoleh total 84 responden dan 70 diantaranya memiliki perubahan sindroma mata kering selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Terdapat juga peningkatan prevalensi dalam kejadian sindroma mata kering sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran jarak jauh dari 8,4% menjadi 23,9%. Namun hasil analisa dengan chi-square menunjukkan p-value >0,05 (OR 1.0; 0.302-3.312; p-value 1.00) yang berarti penelitian ini tidak signifikan secara statistik. Kesimpulan Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian sindroma mata kering dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mahasiswa FK UPH Angkatan 2018. / Background Dry Eye Syndrome is dryness of the eyes that can be caused by various factors. The most common and neglected factors is the use of electronic. During the Corona pandemic, since students are required to undergo distance learning, the exposure towards electronic devices will increase significantly. This can cause a variety of symptoms that interfere with their daily activities. Aim To prove the hypothesis whether students of FK UPH batch 2018 will experience Dry Eye Syndrome during distance learning or are there any changes in their Dry Eye Syndrome. Method This study uses a Cross Sectional method. A sample of 77 students from FK UPH batch 2018 will be selected by Convenience Sampling and data will be obtained from the Ocular Surface Disease Index. The data will be processed using SPSS and analyzed using the Chi Square test. Results From a total of 84 respondents, 70 of them have changes in Dry Eye Syndrome during distance learning. There is also an increase in the prevalence of dry eye events before and after distance learning, from 8.4% to 23.9%. However analysis with chi-square shows p-value >0.05 (OR 1.0; 0.302-3.312; p-value 1.00) which showed that this study is not statistically significant. Conclusion There is no significant relationship between the incidence of dry eye syndrome and distance learning among UPH FK 2018 students.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Yapiter, Jesslyn Alvina
Thesis advisor
Susyono, Maria Larasati
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dry Eye Syndrome; Distance Learning
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Depositing User: Users 15022 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2021 05:00
Last Modified: 24 Mar 2022 03:17

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