Perbedaan usia, onset, dan ukuran tumor pasien kanker payudara baru sebelum dan selama pandemi SARS-CoV-2 di Siloam Hospital Lippo Village periode April 2019 - Desember 2020

Agus, Aurelia Michelle Calista (2021) Perbedaan usia, onset, dan ukuran tumor pasien kanker payudara baru sebelum dan selama pandemi SARS-CoV-2 di Siloam Hospital Lippo Village periode April 2019 - Desember 2020. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Latar belakang: Kondisi pandemi COVID–19 mengakibatkan hambatan dalam pengobatan kanker. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan usia, onset, dan ukuran tumor pasien kanker payudara baru sebelum dan selama pandemi SARS–CoV–2 di Siloam Hospital Lippo Village (SHLV). Metode: Penelitian akan dilakukan dengan desain deskriptif retrospektif dan analisa potong lintang. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik total sampling sebanyak 108 pasien kanker payudara baru di instalasi rawat jalan SHLV periode April 2019 – Desember 2020. Data diperoleh dari rekam medis dan wawancara dari Desember 2020 – Februari 2021. Hasil: Sebanyak 108 sampel yang terkumpul terdiri dari 54 sampel sebelum pandemi (April 2019 – Februari 2020) dan 54 sampel selama pandemi (Maret – Desember 2020) dengan tren meningkat. Dari beberapa variabel yang dianalisis, usia pasien selama pandemi lebih muda dari sebelum pandemi (51,167 tahun ± 11,255 vs 47,537 tahun ± 9,824, p value=0,038), onset selama pandemi tidak lebih besar dari sebelum pandemi (281,69 hari ± 401,387 vs 178,09 hari ± 292,563, p value=0,036), dan ukuran tumor selama pandemi lebih besar dari sebelum pandemi (3,403 cm ± 3,024 vs 4,262cm ± 4,212, p value=0,046). Terdapat perbedaan deskriptif yang jelas pada variabel tingkat pendidikan. Tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang jelas pada variabel grade tumor, stadium, tingkat pendapatan, dan status asuransi kesehatan. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara usia dan ukuran tumor sebelum dan selama pandemi, namun tidak dengan onset. Ada perbedaan deskriptif yang jelas pada tingkat pendidikan, namun tidak ada perbedaan dekriptif yang jelas untuk grade, stadium, tingkat pendapatan, dan status asuransi kesehatan. Kata kunci : pandemi, SARS-CoV-2, kanker payudara, karakteristik   / Background: The current pandemic condition has caused delays in cancer treatment. Objective: To find out the characteristics such as age, onset, and tumor size differences of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at Siloam Hospital Lippo Village (SHLV). Methods: By total sampling, this retrospective descriptive and cross sectional study enrolled 108 samples, who were newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at the outpatient department of SHLV (April 2019 - December 2020). Data obtained from medical records and interviews from December 2020 – February 2021. Result: From the total of 108 samples which consisted of 54 samples before the pandemic (April 2019 – February 2020) and 54 samples during the pandemic (March 2020 – December 2020), accompanied by an increasing trend. The age during pandemic was younger than before pandemic (51,167 years old ± 11,255 vs 47,537 years old ± 9,824, p value=0,038), the onset during pandemic was not greater than before pandemic (281,69 days ± 401,387 vs 178,09 days ± 292,563, p value=0,036), and the tumor size during pandemic was greater than before pandemic (3,403 cm ± 3,024 vs 4,262cm ± 4,212, p value=0,046). There was an obvious descriptive difference of education level before and during pandemic. There were no clear descriptive differences of tumor grade, stage, income level, and health insurance status. Conclusion: There were significant difference between age and tumor size before and during pandemic, but not onset. There was an obvious descriptive difference of education level, but there were no clear descriptive difference of tumor grade, stage, income level, and health insurance status. Keywords: pandemic, SARS–CoV–2, breast cancer, characteristics
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Agus, Aurelia Michelle Calista
Thesis advisor
Halim, Freda Susana
Uncontrolled Keywords: pandemi; SARS-CoV-2; kanker payudara; karakteristik
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Depositing User: Users 16242 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2021 00:35
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2022 04:16

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