Uji potensi mikroorganisme eco enzyme dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial = Potential of microorganisms eco enzyme on decolorization of textile dyes

Anggawinata, Steven (2021) Uji potensi mikroorganisme eco enzyme dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil komersial = Potential of microorganisms eco enzyme on decolorization of textile dyes. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Progress in the textile sector in Indonesia is not accompanied by awareness, causing problems in the aquatic environment such as dye waste that must be addressed immediately. Decolorization by a biological method is one solution because it is stable, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly by using microorganisms. Microorganisms are often found in kitchen waste or processed products. One of them is eco-enzyme. First of all, using a commercial textile brand “Nylon” as a dye. Eco enzyme was tested on liquid NB, LB, and GYP medium added with textile dyes with a concentration of 200 ppm. After that, it was spread on NA, LBA, and GYPA medium with red, yellow, blue, and green dyes with a concentration of 200 ppm. Isolates that produced a clear zone were observed macroscopically and microscopically. After that, various concentration tests were carried out and the decolorization mechanism test was carried out on the four textile dyes. The decolorization mechanism test performed a biosorption test on eco-enzyme isolates. The shape of the wavelength and peak absorbance of textile dyes were also observed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the study showed that red, yellow, blue, and green dyes were suspected to be direct red 28, reactive yellow 86, direct blue 53, and a mixture of basic green 1 and basic blue 9. There were two isolates, namely bacteria and fungi. The bacteria are suspected to be Bacillus and the fungus are suspected to be fungal isolate. Both isolates were able to decolorize at concentrations of 100 to 1000 ppm and also had biosorption activity. Biosorption is used in the form of live biomass so that the possibility of the presence of laccase and peroxidase enzymes can decolorize the four dyes. From the two isolates, they produced a small percentage of decolorization besides incubation time and the amount of inoculum that could affect the decolorization process. The structure of the dye and the formation of deposits on textile dyes can also affect it. Thus, the eco-enzyme isolate was not strong enough to decolorize textile dyes./ Kemajuan pada bidang tekstil di Indonesia tidak diiringi dengan kesadaran sehingga menimbulkan masalah pada lingkungan perairan seperti limbah pewarna harus segera diatasi. Dekolorisasi dengan metode biologi merupakan salah satu solusi karena sifatnya stabil, murah, dan ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme sering ditemukan pada limbah atau hasil olahan dapur. Salah satunya berupa eco enzyme. Pertama-tama, menggunakan tekstil komersial merek “Nilon”sebagai pewarna. Eco enzyme diuji pada medium NB, LB, dan GYP cair yang ditambah dengan pewarna tekstil dengan konsentrasi 200 ppm. Setelah itu di spread pada medium NA, LBA, dan GYPA dengan pewarna merah, kuning, biru, dan hijau dengan konsentrasi 200 ppm. Isolat yang menghasilkan zona bening diamati secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Setelah itu dilakukannya uji berbagai konsentrasi dan uji mekanisme dekolorisasi pada keempat pewaran tekstil. Uji mekanisme dekolorisasi melakukan uji biosorpsi pada isolat eco enzyme. Bentuk panjang gelombang dan peak absorbansi pewarna tekstil juga diamati menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil dari penelitian, pewarna merah, kuning, biru, dan hijau diduga direct red 28, reactive yellow 86, direct blue 53 dan campuran dari basic green 1 serta basic blue 9. Terdapat dua isolat yaitu bakteri dan jamur. Bakteri yang diduga merupakan Bacillus dan jamur yang diduga merupakan isolat jamur. Kedua isolat mampu mendekolorisasi pada konsentrasi 100 hingga 1000 ppm dan juga memiliki aktivitas biosorpsi. Biosorpsi yang digunakan berupa biomassa hidup sehingga kemungkinan terdapatnya enzim lakase dan peroksidase yang dapat mendekolorisasi keempat pewarna. Dari kedua isolat, menghasilkan persentase dekolorisasi yang kecil selain itu waktu inkubasi dan jumlah inkulum juga dapat mempengaruhi proses dekolorisasi. Struktur pewarna dan terbentuknya endapan pada pewarna tekstil juga dapat mempengaruhi. Dengan demikian isolat eco enzyme tidak cukup kuat dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna tekstil.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Anggawinata, Steven
Thesis advisor
Kiranadi, Bambang
Thesis advisor
Victor, Hans
Uncontrolled Keywords: pewarna tekstil; limbah industri; pencemaran lingkungan; dekolorisasi; eco enzyme; mikroorganisme; bakteri; jamur; spektrofotometri; biosorpsi
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Depositing User: Users 4967 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2021 06:51
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 03:08
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/42453

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