Analisis bioinformatika gen dengan aktivitas amilolitik dari isolat jamur aspergillus sp. Tm3 = Bioinformatics analysis of genes with amylolytic activity in fungal isolate aspergillus sp. Tm3

Joanne, Priscilla (2021) Analisis bioinformatika gen dengan aktivitas amilolitik dari isolat jamur aspergillus sp. Tm3 = Bioinformatics analysis of genes with amylolytic activity in fungal isolate aspergillus sp. Tm3. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Enzim amilolitik banyak digunakan untuk berbagai proses dalam berbagai industri. Dalam berbagai aplikasi, jamur dipilih karena umumnya menghasilkan enzim yang tahan kondisi asam dan tidak toksik, terutama jamur Aspergillus. Sayangnya, penelitian terhadap jamur ini dari sisi bioinformatika masih terbatas. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, diisolasi jamur Aspergillus sp. TM3 dari tapai singkong madu. Makanan ini dipasarkan dengan nama ‘madu’ karena rasanya yang manis yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi. Analisis awal menunjukkan isolat memiliki aktivitas amilolitik dan merupakan spesies A. welwitschiae, spesies Aspergillus yang masih jarang diteliti. Maka dari itu, potensi enzim amilolitik isolat menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis bioinformatika terhadap gen dengan aktivitas amilolitik pada Aspergillus sp. TM3. Pendekatan bioinformatika dipilih karena tidak membutuhkan sumber daya dan biaya besar dibandingkan metode analisis gen konservatif. Perlengkapan teknologi informatika serta program bioinformatika juga tersedia secara luas. Data whole genome sequencing yang didapatkan dari penelitian sebelumnya disusun hingga tahap assembly untuk dilakukan identifikasi gen enzim amilolitik. Ditemukan tujuh gen α-amilase, satu gen glukoamilase, dan empat gen α-glukosidase famili GH31. Sekuens protein dan karakteristik enzim dari gen-gen tersebut juga diprediksi. / Amylolytic enzymes are utilized in many industrial processes of different sectors. In many cases, fungi are preferred for its acid-tolerant enzymes and are generally regarded as safe, especially Aspergillus fungi. However, to this day the bioinformatics research of this fungi is still limited. In previous research, Aspergillus sp. TM3 was isolated from tapai singkong ‘madu’, a fermented cassava dish that is popularized as ‘honey’ for its sweetness that is produced through fermentation. Early analysis showed amylolytic activity by this isolate and it was identified as A. welwitschiae, an Aspergillus species that is not well studied yet. Thus, there is interest to investigate the potential for the produced amylolytic enzymes. This study focuses on bioinformatics analysis of genes with amylolytic activity in Aspergillus sp. TM3. The approach with bioinformatics analysis is preferred for its relative low cost compared to the resource intensive conventional gene analysis. The necessary tools and programs are also widely available. Whole genome sequencing data produced by previous study was processed to assembly level for identification of genes containing amylolytic enzymes. Seven α-amylase, one glucoamylase, and four GH31 α-glucosidase genes were found. Their predicted protein sequence and subsequently their enzyme properties were also described.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Joanne, Priscilla
Thesis advisor
Pinontoan, Reinhard
Thesis advisor
Victor, Hans
Uncontrolled Keywords: tapai singkong madu; enzim amilolitik; Aspergillus; Aspergillus welwitschiae; analisis bioinformatika
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Depositing User: Users 3797 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2021 04:09
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2021 04:09

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