Analisis aktivitas fibrinolitik dari enzim serralysin secara in silico = In silico analysis of the fibfrinolytic activity from serralysin

Alvindja, Moses Djuan (2021) Analisis aktivitas fibrinolitik dari enzim serralysin secara in silico = In silico analysis of the fibfrinolytic activity from serralysin. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Penyakit yang berhubungan dengan penggumpalan darah sudah dan masih menjadi penyebab kematian nomor satu di dunia. Penyakit seperti stroke dan komplikasi jantung akibat penggumpalan darah membutuhkan banyak kontribusi dari berbagai disiplin ilmu demi terbentuknya beragam solusi. Salah satu solusi yang sudah umum dikenal adalah digunakannya agen fibrinolitik. Enzim serralysin merupakan protease yang sudah dikenal akan aktivitas fibrinolitiknya. Dalam dunia farmasi, enzim fibrinolitik juga sudah diformulasikan dan umum digunakan sebagai obat akibat aktivitas fibrinolitiknya yang kuat. Namun, informasi mengenai interaksi antara enzim serralysin dengan protein penggumpal darah, yaitu fibrin, masih belum diteliti dan dieksplorasi secara mendalam. Pencarian informasi terkait interaksi antara enzim dengan substrat pada tingkat molekuler, serta mempelajari mekanisme aksi dari aktivitas katalisis enzim secara in vitro membutuhkan waktu yang lama serta dana yang tinggi. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komputasi, studi mengenai interaksi dari enzim dengan substrat dapat dilakukan dengan waktu yang singkat dan dana yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian Analisis Aktivitas Fibrinolitik dari Enzim Serralysin Secara in silico dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mempelajari interaksi antara enzim serralysin dengan protein fibrin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, enzim serralysin menunjukan adanya interaksi yang kuat dengan fibrin, dan menunjukan adanya mekanisme pemotongan substrat yang berhasil dikorelasikan dengan hasil prediksi pemotongan fibrin. Studi dari penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa mekanisme pemotongan fibrin oleh enzim serralysin mengikuti kaidah mekanisme aksi metallotriad yang khas. Hasil penelitian berpotensi untuk diuji dan dilanjutkan ke tahap simulasi dinamika molekuler untuk dipelajari lebih detail tentang aktivitasnya./ Blood clot related health issues have been and are still the number one cause of death in the world. Health issues such as stroke and heart complications due to upnormal blood clots still require many contributions from various disciplines to find various solutions. One of the solutions that is well known is the use of fibrinolytic agents. Serralysin, a protease known for its high fibrinolytic activity, have also been formulated and are commonly used as drugs ever since its discovery. However, information regarding the interaction between serralysin and the blood clotting protein, namely fibrin, are lacking because it has not been studied and explored in such focus. That being said, in vitro studies for the information related to the interaction between serralysin and fibrin down to molecular level, as well as to find out the mechanism of action for this enzyme to catalyze its substrate requires a plenty of time and large amount of funds. By utilizing computational technology, studies on enzyme-substrate interaction can be carried out in a short time with low funds. Therefore, an in silico Analysis of the Fibrinolytic Activity from Serralysin was conducted to explore and study the interaction between serralysin and fibrin as its subtrate. Based on the result of the study, serralysin showed a strong interaction with fibrin, and showed a substrate cleavage mechanism that has a correlation with the predicted result of fibrin cleavage. Result from the studies also show that the mechanism of serralysin in order to digest fibrin follows the rules of the typical metalotriad mechanism of action. The result from the studies have the potential to be tested and proceed to the molecular dynamics simulation stage to be studied in more detailed mannor about it’s interaction.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Alvindja, Moses Djuan
Thesis advisor
Kiranadi, Bambang
Thesis advisor
Pinontoan, Reinhard
Uncontrolled Keywords: molecular docking; fibrinolytic; protease; serralaysin
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Depositing User: Users 4973 not found.
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2021 02:32
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2022 06:38

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