Analisis kandungan Streptococcus sp. dan isolasi Streptococcus thermophilus dari susu sapi lokal = Analysis of Streptococcus sp. content and Streptococcus thermophilus isolation from local cow's milk

Layarda, Meiryanti (2021) Analisis kandungan Streptococcus sp. dan isolasi Streptococcus thermophilus dari susu sapi lokal = Analysis of Streptococcus sp. content and Streptococcus thermophilus isolation from local cow's milk. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan bakteri yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik dan memberikan manfaat baik bagi manusia saat dikonsumsi. BAL banyak ditemukan pada susu sapi, salah satunya adalah Streptococcus thermophilus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah isolasi dan karakterisasi bakteri Streptococcus sp. dari sampel susu sapi dan menganalisis keberadaan S. thermophilus. Sampel susu sapi didilusi dengan larutan peptone saline water 0,1%. Sampel yang telah terdilusi diinokulasikan pada medium agar MRS. Koloni tunggal yang tumbuh kemudian dimurnikan berdasarkan seleksi morfologi. Masing-masing isolat diamati berdasarkan uji pewarnaan Gram, uji tahan asam, uji endospora dan uji aktivitas katalase untuk menentukan kandidat Streptococcus sp.. Setelah itu, dilakukan uji fermentasi beberapa jenis gula yaitu glukosa, sukrosa dan mannitol dan pengamatan produksi gas. Terakhir, dilakukan uji aktivitas hemolitik pada medium agar darah domba 7% dari masing-masing isolat. Dari inokulasi sampel susu sapi, diperoleh sebanyak 50 koloni tunggal yang diambil secara acak. Sebanyak 15 isolat kandidat bakteri yang menyerupai morfologi koloni Streptococcus sp.. Dari 15 isolat, didapatkan 10 kandidat yang menunjukkan hasil uji pewarnaan dan uji aktivitas katalase sesuai dengan Streptococcus sp.. Dari 10 isolat kandidat, terdapat dua isolat kandidat S. thermophilus berdasarkan uji fermentasi gula yang diwakilkan oleh kode STRP1 dan STRP4. Setelah uji aktivitas hemolitik, didapat bahwa STRP1 menunjukkan aktivitas alfa-hemolitik dan dapat berupa S. thermophilus. Sedangkan STRP4 menunjukkan aktivitas gamma-hemolitik yang dapat berupa S. dysgalactiae Sebagai kesimpulan, susu sapi dapat digunakan sebagai sumber Streptococcus sp. khususnya S. thermophilus yang dapat digunakan sebagai kandidat probiotik ataupun starter culture fermentasi susu. / Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have the potential to become probiotics which gives several health benefits when consumed. Various strains of LAB can be found in cow’s milk, like Streptococcus thermophilus. The purpose of this research is to isolate and characterize Streptococcus sp. strains and identify the presence of S. thermophilus from local cow milk. Cow milk sample was diluted with 0,1% peptone saline water. The samples were inoculated into MRS agar. Single colonies were then selected based on their corresponding. Each candidate was identified through Gram staining, acid-fast staining, endospore staining and catalase activity test to find Streptococcus sp. strains. The ability of each isolate to ferment different sugars such as glucose, sucrose and mannitol and gas production with Durham tubes were also tested. Lastly, the candidates were tested for their hemolysis activity on 7% sheep blood agar. From the inoculation of cow milk sample on MRS agar, 50 isolates with single colony were chosen randomly. Then 15 out of 50 candidates were chosen for their corresponding morphology with Streptococcus sp. strains. From 15 candidates, only 10 candidates shown similar staining and catalase activity as Streptococcus sp. strains. Then 2 out of 10 candidates were chosen by their ability to ferment sugar according to S. thermophilus strains, represented by the code STRP1 and STRP4. After their hemolysis activity were tested, STRP1 shown alpha-hemolysis while STRP4 shown gamma-hemolysis on sheep blood agar. Based on the results, STRP1 is a strong candidate for S. thermophilus while STRP4 is a strong candidate for S. dysgalactiae. In conclusion, cow milk can be utilized as Streptococcus sp. source especially S. thermophilus strains that can be used as a probiotic candidate and starter culture in dairy fermentation.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Layarda, Meiryanti
Thesis advisor
Tan, Tjie Jan
Thesis advisor
Sugata, Marcelia
Uncontrolled Keywords: susu sapi; bakteri asam laktat; Streptococcus sp.; S. thermophilus; cow milk; lactic acid bacteria
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Depositing User: Users 4968 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2021 04:05
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2022 03:43

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