Modifikasi sistem pengukuran panjang material tread sarana catridge di mesin building two-stage dengan sensor proximity dan program PLC pada proses produksi ban = Modification of the tread material length measurement system at cartridge tools on two-stage building machine with proximity sensor and plc program in tire production process

Pardamean, Rocky Agung (2021) Modifikasi sistem pengukuran panjang material tread sarana catridge di mesin building two-stage dengan sensor proximity dan program PLC pada proses produksi ban = Modification of the tread material length measurement system at cartridge tools on two-stage building machine with proximity sensor and plc program in tire production process. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pada proses pembuatan ban, mesin building adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk merakit dan mengabungkan semua material penyusun ban menjadi sebuah output yang disebut green tire. Mesin building dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu mesin building one-stage dan mesin building two-stage. Mesin building two-stage adalah tipe mesin building yang merakit material ban menjadi output greentire/ban mentah dengan 2 kali step, step pertama dilakukan dengan membuat greencase/bagian dalam ban, dan step kedua dilakukan dengan mengabungkan greencase dan material bagian luar ban menjadi output greentire. Material tread adalah salah satu material bagian luar ban. Pada PT ABC pada proses produksi building, material tread yang mengunakan sarana catridge, material tread akan dipotong dengan cutter di mesin building two-stage sesuai spesifikasi yang diinginkan. Problem pada saat ini, hasil panjang material tread potongan mesin building two-stage memiliki nilai bervariasi (± 13mm) dari ukuran panjang yang ditetapkan (±5mm) atau disebut problem length under dan length over dan menjadi material reject atau tidak dapat digunakan. Penyebab utama problem tersebut disebabkan karena terjadinya slip pada perputaran conveyor1 sebagai alat untuk membawa material tread menuju cutter mesin. Material tread yang dipotong ditentukan dengan input perputaran motor servo dan sebagai alat pengerak conveyor1. Proses penambahan sensor proximity yang dikontrol dengan program PLC untuk mengantikan motor servo sebagai pengukuran panjang memperoleh hasil variasi panjang tread dalam batas range ±3 mm dan dapat digunakan dalam proses produksi pembuatan ban. / In the tire manufacturing process, building machine is a machine that used toassemble all the materials of tire compiler into an output green tire. Common been, building machines are divided into 2 types, which are one-stage building machine and two-stage building mafchine. The two-stage building machine is a building machine that assembles all tires material into output green tire in 2 steps, the first step is to making the greencase or the inside part of tire, and the second step is to combining the greencase and the outside part of tire material into a greentire. Tread material is one of the outside material in the tire. In PT ABC on the process building production, material tread is produced catridge tool, the tread material will be cut in building two-stage machine according to specification. Currently, the problem is the result of the tread length material in the two-stage building machine has some variation length (± 13mm) from the specification (±5mm) causing problem the length under and length over problem and would becomes a material reject and wouldn’t be used. The main cause of this problem is there are some slip in the rotation of conveyor1 as a tool that move the tread material to the cutter. The tread length is determined by the servo motor rotation and as a tool that move the conveyor1. The process of adding a proximity sensor that would be used by the PLC to change the servo motor as tread length measurement has improved the results that tread length has variation within range limit ±3 mm and would be used in future tire production process.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Pardamean, Rocky Agung
Thesis advisor
Pardede, Marincan
Uncontrolled Keywords: mesin building; sensor proximity; material tread; produksi ban
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: Users 22010 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2021 03:59
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2022 07:20

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