Kepentingan dan pencapaian kerja sama militer antara TNI-AD dan Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) = Importance and achievements of military cooperation between tni-ad and royal Cambodian armed forces (RCAF)

Fasya, Muhammad (2022) Kepentingan dan pencapaian kerja sama militer antara TNI-AD dan Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) = Importance and achievements of military cooperation between tni-ad and royal Cambodian armed forces (RCAF). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Hubungan diplomatik antara Indonesia dan Kamboja telah berlangsung secara resmi sejak tahun 1959, diawali dari adanya kesamaan dalam memiliki sikap untuk tidak memihak negara manapun. Pada tahun 1970, relasi antar kedua negara semakin meningkat ketika militer Indonesia yaitu TNI-AD turut serta dalam menangani konflik dalam negeri Kamboja. Dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai mengapa kerja sama militer antara TNI-AD dan RCAF perlu diadakan dan apa saja pencapaian utamanya, maka penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara melakukan wawancara dan penelusuran studi kepustakaan juga pencarian secara daring. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan landasan teori neorealisme dan menggunakan konsep regionalisme, balance of power, kerja sama militer, dan diplomasi pertahanan sebagai pendukung. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa kerja sama militer yang dilakukan oleh TNI-AD dan RCAF merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjaga stabilitas keamanan juga perdamaian di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Selain itu, kerja sama militer yang dilakukan digunakan juga untuk memfasilitasi kepentingan nasional masing- masing negara terutama di bidang pertahanan, dimana TNI-AD dapat semakin menunjukan eksistensinya di kawasan Asia Tenggara sebagai sistem pertahanan bangsa Indonesia dan RCAF dapat memaksimalkan potensi kekuatan militer mereka. Pencapaian utama kerja sama ini yaitu keduanya telah melakukan operasi militer, pelatihan serta pendidikan militer bersama dalam jangka waktu yang panjang juga saling memberi bantuan yang dibutuhkan satu sama lain. / Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Cambodia have been going on officially since 1959, starting with the similarity in having an attitude of not taking sides with any country. In 1970, relations between the two countries further improved when the Indonesian military, namely the TNI-AD, took part in dealing with Cambodia's internal conflict. In obtaining information about why military cooperation between the TNI-AD and RCAF needs to be held and what are its main achievements, the authors use data collection techniques by conducting interviews and browsing literature studies as well as online searches. This research was conducted on the basis of neorealism theory and used the concepts of regionalism, balance of power, military cooperation, and defense diplomacy as supporters. Research that has been carried out shows that military cooperation carried out by the TNI-AD and RCAF is one way to maintain security stability and peace in the Southeast Asian region. In addition, the military cooperation carried out is also used to facilitate the national interests of each country, especially in the field of defense, where the TNI-AD can increasingly show its existence in the Southeast Asian region as a defense system for the Indonesian nation and RCAF can maximize the potential of their military power. The main achievement of this cooperation is that the two have carried out military operations, military training and education together over a long period of time as well as providing each other with the needed assistance.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Fasya, Muhammad
Thesis advisor
Liwe, Amelia Joan Ribka
Uncontrolled Keywords: Asia Tenggara; kerja sama militer; kerja sama regional; diplomasi pertahanan
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Users 6694 not found.
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2022 17:06
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2022 17:06

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