Efektivitas iklan berbayar melalui media sosial instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian skincare somethinc = The Effectiveness of Paid Advertising through Instagram on Purchase Decisions of Somethinc Skincare

Thahara, Yulan Fazrie Ashilla (2022) Efektivitas iklan berbayar melalui media sosial instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian skincare somethinc = The Effectiveness of Paid Advertising through Instagram on Purchase Decisions of Somethinc Skincare. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Teknologi komunikasi sangatlah penting bagi perusahaan untuk dapat melakukan promosi pemasaran. Dengan kehadiran Internet sebagai media yang tepat untuk dapat mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan konsumen. Salah satunya melalui media sosial Instagram. Mulai dari berbagai merek terkenal, hingga merek lokal. Salah satu merek lokal yang hadir adalah Something yang melakukan promosi melalui Instagram sehingga mampu memasarkan produknya secara luas. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas iklan berbayar Somethinc melalui media sosial Instagram. Penggunaan konsep AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) diharapkan dapat mengukur efektivitas iklan pada media sosial. AIDA sendiri dikenal untuk mengukur sejauh mana audiens dapat mengenal iklan Somethinc dan apakah audiens akan melakukan action untuk membeli. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengambarkan suatu fenomena yang sedang terjadi. Diketahui pada penelitian ini bahwa efektivitas iklan berbayar Somethinc secara simultan memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian produk. Efektif iklan berbayar Somethinc secara partial memberikan pengaruh pada indikator informatif (XA), persuasif (XB), mengingatkan (XC) dan memberi nilai tambah (XD). Pihak Somethinc diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya tarik konten iklan berbayar melalui media sosial Instagram sehingga meningkatkan publikasi yang positif di masyarakat / Communication technology is very important for companies to be able to carry out marketing promotions. With the presence of the Internet as the media platform to influence consumer decision making. One of them is through social media Instagram. Starting from various known brands, to local brands. One of the local brands that was present is Something, which promoted through Instagram so that they were able to market their products widely. Research that aims to identify the effectiveness of Somethinc paid advertising through social media Instagram. The use of the AIDA concept (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is expected to measure the effectiveness of advertising on social media. AIDA itself is known to measure the extent to which the audience is familiar with Somethinc advertisements and whether the audience will take action to buy. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by describing a phenomenon that is currently happening. It is known in this study that the effectiveness of Somethinc paid advertising simultaneously has a significant effect on product purchase decisions. Effectively, Somethinc paid advertising partially has an effect of on the informing indicator (XA), persuading (XB), reminding (XC) and adding value (XD). Somethinc is expected to increase the attractiveness of paid advertising content through social media Instagram to increase positive publications in the community.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thahara, Yulan Fazrie Ashilla
Thesis advisor
Sundah, Pierre Mauritz
Uncontrolled Keywords: Iklan berbayar; Media sosial; Keputusan pembelian
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science (Distance Education Program)
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science (Distance Education Program)
Depositing User: Users 11556 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2022 10:45
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2022 10:45
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/45306

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