Aktivitas content creator PT Kun Production dalam membangun citra akun instagram klien = PT Kun Production's Content Creator Activity in Building Client's Instagram Account Image

Yulianto, Anna Marie (2022) Aktivitas content creator PT Kun Production dalam membangun citra akun instagram klien = PT Kun Production's Content Creator Activity in Building Client's Instagram Account Image. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pada era modern seperti sekarang ini, pengetahuan tentang teknologi sangat berkembang begitu pesat terutama pada ranah digital, hingga kini masyarakat mulai menyebutnya sebagai era digital. Saat ini, era digital cenderung dimanfaatkan orang-orang untuk mencapai kepentingan tertentu, salah satunya adalah penggunaan media sosial Instagram untuk membuka peluang bisnis online sekaligus membangun citra akun instagram melalui pemasaran konten. Membangun citra akun instagram dengan menggunakan media sosial menjadi salah satu strategi yang paling diminati dan sangat dibutuhkan di Indonesia, hal itu dikarenakan media saat ini sedang menjadi konsumsi yang wajib untuk masyarakat secara luas. Namun, mengelola media sosial tidaklah mudah sehingga butuh keterampilan khusus yang hanya bisa dilakukan oleh profesionalnya, yaitu content creator. Oleh karena itu, PT. Kun Production yang bergerak di bidang digital agency menawarkan jasa maintenance media sosial Instagram dengan cara menyediakan content creator yang terdiri dari tim designer dan video editor untuk mengelola akun bisnis para klien-nya di media sosial Instagram. Dalam laporan magang ini, Pemagang mengumpulkan teori-teori yang berasal dari buku, website, dan jurnal yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Lalu, Pemagang juga melakukan pelaksanaan magang di PT. Kun Production dan telah mengamati selama empat bulan, sehingga Pemagang mendapatkan hasil bahwa peran content creator PT. Kun Production sudah sesuai dengan teori-teori yang ada di BAB II, sehingga dapat dikatakan berhasil dalam mengelola media sosial Instagram klien karena dapat membangun citra akun instagram klien. / In the era, knowledge about technology is growing rapidly, especially in the digital realm or the thing people nowadays called the digital era. Nowadays, people tend to use the digital era to achieve certain interests, one of which is the use of Instagram social media to open up online business opportunities as well as to build a company image through content marketing. Building a corporate image by using social media is one of the most desirable and much needed strategies in Indonesia, this is because the media is currently becoming a mandatory consumption for the wider community. However, managing social media is not easy so it requires special skills that can only be done by professionals, named content creators. Therefore, PT. Kun Production, which is engaged in digital agency, offers Instagram social media maintenance services by providing content creators consisting of a team of designers and video editors to manage their clients' business accounts on Instagram social media. In this internship report, the Apprenticeship collects theories from books, websites, and journals that are relevant to the research topic. Then, the Apprentice also conducts an internship at PT. Kun Production and has observed for four months, so that the Apprentice gets the result that the role of the content creator of PT. Kun Production is in accordance with the theories in Chapter II, so it can be said to be successful in managing the client's Instagram social media because it can build the client's Instagram account image.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Yulianto, Anna Marie
Thesis advisor
Pamungkas, Sigit
Uncontrolled Keywords: Content creator; Instagram; Citra akun instagram
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Users 10562 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2022 14:00
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2022 14:04
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/46000

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