Hubungan antara adiksi pornografi dengan kognitif pada dewasa muda di Banten = The relationship between pornography addiction and cognitive at young adults in Banten

Thomas, Aldo Valentino (2019) Hubungan antara adiksi pornografi dengan kognitif pada dewasa muda di Banten = The relationship between pornography addiction and cognitive at young adults in Banten. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Background Physical and psycological changes that appear in teenager, and misused sexual information may lead to pornography contents usage, may cause addiction and compulsive behavior. There are 1809 pornography cases according to Survei Komnas Perlindungan Anak Indonesia from 2011 until 2016. Pornography interrupt working memory and attention, lead to cognitive disturbances. In Indonesia, there’re just a few of research study this topic. Research subjects also are just middle school students. So, researcher want to study it at young adult age. Aim To understand the relationship between pornography addiction and cognitive at young adult in Banten Material and Methods On July to August 2018, this cross-sectional study was done, with 61 young adults in Banten. Data are gathered from online questionnaire. Excel 2010 and SPSS24 used for tabulation and data analysis, respectively. Results Significant results were obtained from relationship between pornography addiction and cognitive problem (p-value = 0.000; odds ratio [OR] 26.722; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 5.094 – 140.171). Gender significantly related with pornography addiction (p-value = 0.000; odds ratio [OR] 32.47; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 3.991 – 26.183), all samples with pornography addiction are men, men with pornography addiction (58%). Age don’t significantly related with pornography addiction (p-value: 0.158; odds ratio [OR] 0.313; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 0.034 – 2.853). Pornography duration don’t significantly related with pornography addiction (p-value: 0.293 [OR] 3.8; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 0.32 – 44.51), samples with excessive pornography duration more often have pornography addiction (67%) than samples with non excessive pornography duration (34%). Conclusions Pornography addiction significantly related with cognitive impairment. Gender, age, pornography duration don’t significantly related with pornography addiction / Latar Belakang Perubahan fisik dan psikologis yang muncul pada remaja, dan informasi yang salah terkait seksualitas menyebabkan seseorang mengakses pornografi, menyebabkan adiksi pornografi. Terdapat 1809 kasus pornografi menurut Survei KPAI tahun 2011 sampai 2016. Pornografi mengganggu memori kerja dan atensi, sehingga kognitif terganggu. Jurnal penelitian terkait terbatas di Indonesia, subyek penelitiannya terbatas pada remaja SMP dan SMA, sehingga mendorong peneliti ingin menelitinya pada usia dewasa muda. Tujuan Mengetahui hubungan antara adiksi pornografi dan kognitif pada dewasa muda di Banten. Material dan Metode Pada Juli sampai Agustus 2018, studi cross-sectional dilakukan terhadap 61 dewasa muda di Banten. Data didapatkan melalui kuesioner online. Excel 2010 dan SPSS24 digunakan untuk tabulasi dan analisis data. Hasil Adiksi pornografi berhubungan signifikan dengan gangguan kognitif (p-value = 0.000; odds ratio [OR] 26.722; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 5.094 – 140.171). Jenis kelamin berhubungan signifikan dengan adiksi pornografi (p-value = 0.000; odds ratio [OR] 32.47; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 3.991 – 26.183), semua sampel adiksi pornografi adalah laki-laki, laki-laki dengan adiksi pornografi (58%). Usia tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan adiksi pornografi (p-value: 0.158; odds ratio [OR] 0.313; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 0.034 – 2.853). Durasi pornografi tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan adiksi pornografi (p-value: 0.293 [OR] 3.8; 95% confidence interval [CI95] 0.32 – 44.51), sampel dengan durasi pornografi berlebih (67%) lebih sering mengalami adiksi pornografi daripada durasi tidak berlebih (34%). Kesimpulan Adiksi pornografi berhubungan signifikan dengan gangguan kognitif. Jenis kelamin, usia, durasi pornografi tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan adiksi pornografi.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Thomas, Aldo Valentino
Thesis advisor
Susyono, Maria Larasati
Additional Information: SK 71-15 THO h
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pornography; Addiction; Cognitive; Young Adults; Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale; Gibson Test; Pornografi; Adiksi; Kognitif; Dewasa muda; Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale; Tes Gibson
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2019 03:30
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2021 07:26

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