Evaluation of enterobacter spp. collection of Pelita Harapan university capability in decolorizing malachite green dye. = evaluasi kemampuan enterobacter spp. koleksi Universitas Pelita Harapan dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna malachite green

Selanno, Heidy Dianta (2018) Evaluation of enterobacter spp. collection of Pelita Harapan university capability in decolorizing malachite green dye. = evaluasi kemampuan enterobacter spp. koleksi Universitas Pelita Harapan dalam mendekolorisasi pewarna malachite green. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Malachite green is one of triphenylmethane dye type which is commonly used in textile industry, however it has high toxicity that may induces carcinogenesis and mutagenesis against many organism. One of the bacteria that are known capable to decolorize malachite green dye is Enterobacter spp., this research is held with aim to evaluate the capability of Enterobacter spp. collection of UPH in decolorizing malachite green. JF 2-1, M 8, CV 2, MB 2 and CV 1 are the isolate of Enterobacter spp. collection of UPH that capable to decolorize malachite green with decolorization percentage around 86,5 % - 95,5 %. The five isolates of Enterobacter spp. are able to decolorize malachite green with optimum temperature ranges from 32 ̊C - 37 ̊C and decolorization percentage 94,4 % - 97,2 %. On pH assay, the five isolates of Enterobacter spp. are able to decolorize malachite green with optimum pH value 7 and decolorization percentage 91,4 % - 96,3 %. From the result of carbon source utilization assay optimum decolorization occurs on media with glucose as the carbon source (94.2 % - 96,3 %), whereas on the nitrogen source utilization, assay optimum decolorization occurs on media with yeast extract as nitrogen source (94,9 % - 96,8 %). The resulting metabolite during the process of malachite green decolorization shows the formation of (amino-phenyl) -phenyl- methanone./ Malachite green merupakan salah satu jenis pewarna triphenylmethane yang umum digunakan dalam industri tekstil, namun memiliki toksisitas yang tinggi sehingga dapat menginduksi karsinogenesis dan mutagenesis terhadap makhluk hidup. Salah satu bakteri yang diketahui mampu mendekolorisasi pewarna malachite green adalah Enterobacter spp. sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan bakteri Enterobacter spp. koleksi UPH dalam mendekolorisasi malachite green. JF 2-1, M 8, CV 2, MB 2 dan CV 1 merupakan isolat Enterobacter spp. koleksi UPH yang mampu mendekolorisasi malachite green dengan rentang persentase dekolorisasi 86,5 % - 95,5 %. Kelima isolat Enterobacter spp. mampu mendekolorisasi malachite green secara maksimal pada rentang suhu 32 ̊C - 37 ̊C dengan persentase dekolorisasi 95,9 % - 97,2 %. Pada uji pH, kelima isolat Enterobacter spp. mampu mendekolorisasi malachite green secara maksimal pada pH 7 dengan persentase dekolorisasi 91,4 % - 96,3 %. Dari hasil uji pemanfaatan sumber karbon menunjukan dekolorisasi paling maksimal terjadi pada medium dengan sumber karbon glukosa (94,2 % - 96,3 %) sedangkan pada uji pemanfaatan sumber nitrogen, dekolorisasi paling maksimal terjadi pada media dengan sumber nitrogen yeast extract (94,9 % - 96,8 %). Metabolit yang dihasilkan selama proses dekolorisasi malachite green menunjukan terbentuknya (amino-phenyl)-phenylmethanone.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Selanno, Heidy Dianta
Thesis advisor
Pinontoan, Reinhard
Thesis advisor
Susanti, Agustina Eka
Additional Information: SK 113-14 SEL e
Uncontrolled Keywords: malachite green; Enterobacter spp.; decolorization; dekolorisasi
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Biology
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2019 03:52
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 07:11
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/4720

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