Konflik Bangsamoro dan partisipasi komunitas internasional dalam membawa perdamaian ke mindanao (1976-2018) = Bangsamoro conflict and international community participation in bringing peace to Mindanao (1976-2018)

Gustavo, Gregy (2019) Konflik Bangsamoro dan partisipasi komunitas internasional dalam membawa perdamaian ke mindanao (1976-2018) = Bangsamoro conflict and international community participation in bringing peace to Mindanao (1976-2018). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Bangsamoro Conflict is the longest intra-state conflict that is still present. According to the history, Bangsamoro Conflict occurred because the Moros were never acknowledged as part of the Philippines even though the Philippines were claiming the territory of the Moros. Since 1960s, Bangsamoro Conflict developed and became more heated, started from the establishment of separatist movement and the armed conflict between the Moros and the Government of the Philippines started to emerge. Domestically, the Government of the Philippines has done their best effort to resolve the conflict. Then, started from 1970s the Bangsamoro Conflict was addressed not only as threat to domestic security, but it was addressed as a threat to international security. This fact triggered the participation of international community to solve the Bangsamoro Conflict and bring peace to Mindanao. The purpose of this research is to identify and to map the participation of the international community in the process of resolving Bangsamoro Conflict. This research adopts qualitative approach and historical method, and the perspective used is peace study theory. The result of this research explains that the participation of international community arrives from the United Nations, state actors, Intergovernmental Organization, International Non-governmental Organization, and from the private sector. The international community’s participation does show third-party intervention, and as external parties the impact from their participation is measured through two activities: peacebuilding activity and peacemaking activity. This research also suggests that the participation from international community has provided significant result to the Bangsamoro Conflict and helped the Government of the Philippines and the Moros to progressively gain peace to Mindanao./ Konflik Bangsamoro merupakan konflik intra-state terpanjang sampai saat ini. Menurut sejarah, konflik Bangsamoro sendiri terjadi dikarenakan para masyarakat Bangsamoro tidak pernah menganggap mereka bagian dari Filipina tetapi pemerintah Filipina sendiri melakukan klaim sepihak terhadap daerah dari masyarakat Bangsamoro. Dimulai dari tahun 1960an konflik Bangsamoro semakin memanas dikarenakan adanya gerakan separatis dari masyarakat Bangsamoro dan konflik bersenjata pun tidak dapat dihindari lagi antara Pemerintah Filipina dan Bangsamoro. Di dalam negeri, pemerintah Filipina melakukan upaya – upaya untuk menanggulangi konflik intra-state ini, tetapi upaya – upaya tersebut dianggap kurang maksimal. Sejak tahun 1970an, konflik Bangsamoro bukan cuma memberikan ancaman secara domestik kepada Filipina, tapi konflik ini dianggap telah memberikan ancaman kepada keamanan internasional. Hal ini mendorong partisipasi dari komunitas internasional untuk menyelesaikan konflik Bangsamoro dan membawa perdamaian ke Mindanao. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan melakukan pemetaan terhadap partisipasi dari komunitas internasional terhadap penyelesaian konflik Bangsamoro. Dengan menjadikan studi perdamaian sebagai landasan teoritis, penelitian kualitatif ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode sejarah. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi dari komunitas internasional sendiri datang dari Perserikatan Bangsa – Bangsa, negara, organisasi pemerintah internasional, organisasi internasional non pemerintah, dan juga pihak swasta. Dalam partisipasinya, komunitas internasional ini melakukan aktivitas yang dikenal sebagai third – party intervention. Komunitas internasional terlibat dalam dua kategori aktivitas: peacebuilding activity atau peacemaking activity. Penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa partisipasi komunitas internasional berhasil memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap penyelesaian konflik Bangsamoro antara pihak pemerintah Filipina dan masyarakat Bangsamoro, dan berhasil memberikan kemajuan dalan proses perdamaian di Mindanao.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Gustavo, Gregy
Thesis advisor
Tambunan, Edwin M. B.
Additional Information: SK 43-15 GUS b
Uncontrolled Keywords: Conflict; Bangsamoro; Philippines; International Community; Third – Party Intervention; Conflict Resolution; Peacebuilding; Peacemaking; Konflik; Komunitas Internasional; Resolusi Konflik
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2019 05:23
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2019 06:32
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/4760

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