Inward looking economic policy Indonesia: Kasus larangan Indonesia terhadap eskpor bijih nikel dan sengketanya dengan Uni Eropa = Indonesia's Inward looking economic policy:The case of Indonesian ban on nickel ore exports and its dispute with the European Union

The, Edbert (2022) Inward looking economic policy Indonesia: Kasus larangan Indonesia terhadap eskpor bijih nikel dan sengketanya dengan Uni Eropa = Indonesia's Inward looking economic policy:The case of Indonesian ban on nickel ore exports and its dispute with the European Union. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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ABSTRACT Edbert Suyanto The (01043180103) INDONESIA’S INWARD-LOOKING ECONOMIC POLICY: THE CASE OF INDONESIAN BAN ON NICKLE ORE EXPORTS AND ITS DISPUTE WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION (xi + 56 pages: 3 appendices) Keywords: Nickel Ore, Export Ban, Inward-Looking Policy, Indonesia Foreign Policy, European Union Indonesia is the biggest nickel producer in the world and has been exporting nickel ore to many countries, especially to the EU. However, the recent Indonesian government have imposed an export ban on nickel ore during the second term of President Joko Widodo’s administration. Eventually, this leads to a dispute between Indonesia and the EU as its biggest importer for nickel ore. The lawsuit filed by the EU through WTO reflected how a state’s policy resulted in a dispute, Therefore, this research aims to describe and analyze Indonesia’s current inward-ooking economic policy in terms of imposing the nickel ore export ban and its impacts to the trade relations between Indonesia and the EU through Neorealism perspective and four other concepts, which are System Level of Analysis, Inward-Looking Economic Policy, National Interest and Economic Power. Following the completion of this research, sample data are obtained by conducting literature studies and second data collection. This research has found that Indonesia has applied the minerals downstreaming as a part of its inward-looking foreign policy to have a value-added export on nickel, which reflects Indonesia’s agenda in strengthening its economic power in the region. Moreover, this research continues to describe the reason behind the EU’s lawsuit through analyzing from the EU’s reliance on nickel ore and the impacts towards the Indonesia-EU trade relations. References: 7 (1986 – 2016) + 26 journal articles + 15 government publications +1 non-government publication + 18 internet sources / ABSTRAK Edbert Suyanto The (01043180103) INWARD LOOKING ECONOMIC POLICY INDONESIA: KASUS LARANGAN INDONESIA TERHADAP EKSPOR BIJIH NIKEL DAN SENGKETANYA DENGAN UNI EROPA (xi + 56 halaman: 3 lampiran) Kata Kunci: Bijih Nikel, Larangan Ekspor, Inward-Looking, Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia, Uni Eropa Indonesia merupakan produsen nikel terbesar di dunia dan telah mengekspor bijih nikel ke seluruh dunia, terutama ke negara-negara Uni Eropa. Namun, Indonesia pada periode kedua pemerintahan Joko Widodo memberlakukan larangan ekspor untuk bijih nikel. Hal ini menyebabkan perselisihan antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa, dikarenakan Uni Eropa merupakan importir bijih nikel Indonesia terbesar saat ini. Gugatan yang diajukan oleh Uni Eropa melalui WTO mencerminkan bagaimana kebijakan suatu negara dalam suatu sengketa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berjutuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia saat ini dalam hal peberlakuan larangan ekspor bijih nikel dan dampaknya terhadap hubungan perdagangan antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa melalui perspektif Neorealisme dan empat konsep lainnya, yaitu System Level of Analysis, Inward-Looking Economic Policy, Kepentingan Nasional dan Kekuatan Ekonomi. Dalam mengerjakan penelitian, data sampel diperoleh dengan melakukan studi literatur dan pengumpulan data kedua (secondary data). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Indonesia telah menerapkan hilirisasi mineral sebagai bagian dari kebijakan luar negerinya yang berwawasan ke dalam untuk memiliki nilai tambah ekspor nikel, yang mencerminkan agenda Indonesia dalam memperkuat kekuatan ekonominya di kawasan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memaparkan alasan di balik gugatan Uni Eropa melalui analisis dari ketergantungan Uni Eropa pada bijih nikel dan menganalisa dampak dari kasus ini terhadap hubungan perdagangan antara Indonesia dan Uni Eropa. Referensi: 7 buku (1986 – 2016) + 24 artikel jurnal + 14 publikasi pemerintah +1 publikasi non-pemerintah+ 18 sumber daring
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
The, Edbert
Thesis advisor
Patading, Gusti
Thesis advisor
Arlan, Adri
Thesis advisor
Djakababa, Yosef
Uncontrolled Keywords: bijih Nikel, larangan Ekspor, inward-looking, kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia, Uni Eropa
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Edbert Suyanto The
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2022 02:09
Last Modified: 08 Jul 2022 07:32

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