Perlindungan hukum dan penyelesaian hak atas tanah ulayat masyarakat hukum adat di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

Wakanno, Rido (2022) Perlindungan hukum dan penyelesaian hak atas tanah ulayat masyarakat hukum adat di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Unalienated land dispute resolution in a way that is custom done by indigenous chiefs to resolve the dispute relating to customs. To resolve the disputes of indigenous chiefs hold a customary or sitting often known as judicial customs. The judicial nature of the Customs mediation, there is King as a mediator in it. The important role of indigenous chiefs of in dispute resolution is needed, this is because Community law is very respectful of indigenous chiefs. Legal protection must be viewed stages namely legal protection was born from a provision of the law and the rule of law given by a society that basically is the community's agreement to regulate the relationship between the behavior members of the society and between the individuals with the Government deemed to represent the interests of the community. Legal protection is not a true picture of the work function of the law itself that its purpose is not to provide other guarantees of fairness, expediency and also legal certainty. Legal protection will be more evident in the ownership of land rights is supported by the presence of certificate of land rights, as a means of proof of land ownership rights. Customary land Kei is a land that overal is managed and controlled together with the community law of indigenous and divided into the property rights of individuals, clans, and villages. But customary land of property rights in the pratice is overlapping. With the formulation of the problem is legal protection of property rights in customary land Kei. Legal research method used is descriptive empirical analysis of approaches to conducting research based on field observations and interviews. With the aim to obtain data and information on the protection of property rights to land Kei on community lands of indigenous peoples; legal consequences for violating property rights over the land Kei and the efforts of indigenous functionaries and government for violating property rights over land Kei. Results of the research is the protection of property rights to land is not maximized becauses there is no regional regulation in the Southest Maluku Regency about property rights of customary land Kei. The legal consequences for violating property rights to land in the form of traditional sanctions by traditional leaders. Protection can be maximized if the local regulations but there is currently no regulation related to the protection of property rights to land Kei. / Penyelesaian sengketa tanah ulayat secara adat merupakan suatu cara yang dilakukan oleh ketuaketua adat untuk menyelesaikan sengketa yang berkaitan dengan adat. Untuk menyelesaikan sengketa tersebut ketua-ketua adat mengadakan duduk adat atau sering dikenal dengan peradilan adat. Peradilan adat bersifat mediasi, terdapat Raja sebagai mediator didalamnya. Peran penting dari ketua-ketua adat dalam penyelesaian sengketa sangat diperlukan, hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat hukum adat sangat menghormati ketua-ketua adat. Perlindungan hukum harus melihat tahapan yakni perlindungan hukum lahir dari suatu ketentuan hukum dan segala peraturan hukum yang diberikan oleh masyarakat yang pada dasarnya merupakan kesepakatan masyarakat tersebut untuk mengatur hubungan perilaku antara anggota-anggota masyarakat dan antara perseorangan dengan pemerintah yang dianggap mewakili kepentingan masyarakat. Perlindungan hukum sejatinya merupakan gambaran dari bekerja fungsi hukum itu sendiri yang tujuannya bukan lain untuk memberikan jaminan keadilan, kemanfaatan dan juga kepastian hukum. Tanah adat Kei secara keseluruhan dikuasai dan dikelola bersama oleh masyarakat hukum adat dan terbagi menjadi hak kepemilikan perorangan, marga, dan desa. Namun dalam prakteknya tumpang tindih hak kepemilikan tanah adat. Dengan rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana perlindungan hukum hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei. Metode penelitian hukum empiris jenis pendekatan deskriptif analisis dengan observasi lapangan dan wawancara. Dengan tujuan memperoleh data dan informasi tentang perlindungan hukum hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei; akibat hukum hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei; dan upaya dari fungsionaris adat maupun pemerintah. Hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan perlindungan hukum hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei masih belum maksimal karena belum adanya peraturan daerah khususnya Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara berkaitan hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei. Akibat hukum hanya dilakukan dengan sanksi adat oleh tokoh-tokoh adat. Upaya hukum akan maksimal dengan peraturan daerah terkait perlindungan hukum hak kepemilikan tanah adat Kei.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Wakanno, Rido
Thesis advisor
Silalahi, Udin
Uncontrolled Keywords: Indigenous Dispute Resolution ; Legal Protection ; Customarry land ownershi
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 18488 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2022 09:14
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2022 01:34

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