Peran production assistant pada produksi program ini talk show Net Mediatama televisi Indonesia = assistant production role in ini talk show production program of Net Mediatama television Indonesia

Jaya, Aimee Janice (2019) Peran production assistant pada produksi program ini talk show Net Mediatama televisi Indonesia = assistant production role in ini talk show production program of Net Mediatama television Indonesia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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In the era of globalization competition among television stations is getting tougher because now the public's need for information is getting bigger. The audience is very influential on the rating, the higher the rating of a program, the more advertisers are interested in placing their products. To be able to attract the attention of the audience, a television show must present a good, unique and entertaining spectacle and contain information. In this case, a good program certainly has a good team too. Production assistants have an important role in maintaining the smooth production process of television stations. Realize the content and ideas that have been created by the creative team in the form of writing, into audio-visual forms that are ready to be screened and watched by the public. Ranging from pre-production, production, to post-production, such as preparing all technical requirements for filming, searching for material and making promotional program shows so that a program can be known to the wider community, conducting live shows, and realizing tapping shows through online editing processes, offline, until the last stage is quality control./ Dalam era globalisasi persaingan antar stasiun televisi semakin ketat karena kini kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi semakin besar. Penonton sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap rating, semakin tinggi rating sebuah program maka semakin banyak pula para pengiklan yang tertarik untuk menaruh produknya. Untuk dapat menarik perhatian penonton, suatu tayangan televisi harus menyuguhkan tontonan yang bagus, unik dan menghibur serta berisi informasi. Dalam hal ini, suatu program yang baik pastinya memiliki tim yang baik pula. Production assistant memiliki peran penting dalam hal menjaga kelancaran proses produksi stasiun televisi. Merealisasikan konten dan ide yang telah dibuat oleh tim kreatif dalam bentuk tulisan, kedalam bentuk audio-visual yang siap untuk ditayangkan dan ditonton oleh masyarakat. Mulai dari pra-produksi, produksi, hingga pasca-produksi, seperti mempersiapkan segala kebutuhan teknis untuk syuting, mencari materi dan membuat promosi tayangan program agar suatu program dapat diketahui masyarakat luas, melaksanakan syuting tayangan live, serta merealisasi tayangan tapping melalui proses editing online, offline, hingga tahap terakhir yaitu quality control.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Jaya, Aimee Janice
Thesis advisor
Pamungkas, Sigit
Additional Information: SK 41-15 JAY p
Uncontrolled Keywords: production assistant; variety show; talk show; production; television; proses produksi; televisi
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology > HM 1201-1216 Communication
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > Communication Science
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2019 12:50
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2021 03:25

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