Fenomena sentimen anti-Americanism Korea Selatan pada pemerintahan Chun Doo Hwan (1980-1987) dan Yoon Seok Yeol (2022) = South Korea's anti-American sentiment phenomenon in the Chun Doo Hwan (1980-1987) and Yoon Seok Yeol (2022) administrations

Wijaya, Patricia Dhea (2023) Fenomena sentimen anti-Americanism Korea Selatan pada pemerintahan Chun Doo Hwan (1980-1987) dan Yoon Seok Yeol (2022) = South Korea's anti-American sentiment phenomenon in the Chun Doo Hwan (1980-1987) and Yoon Seok Yeol (2022) administrations. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Hegemoni AS atas Korea Selatan, dan ketergantungan militer Korea Selatan terhadap “penyelamatnya” telah menjadi hubungan jangka panjang antara kedua negara, di mana masing-masing pihak memiliki kepentingannya masing-masing. Sementara AS berusaha untuk mempertahankan pengaruhnya di Korea Selatan – dan kawasan Asia Timur, Korea Selatan bergantung pada AS untuk pertahanannya dalam Perang Korea yang sedang berlangsung. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, keterjeratan Korea Selatan dalam lingkaran hegemoni AS, telah menimbulkan eksklusivitas negara, dan secara tidak langsung menimbulkan gelombang sentimen anti-Amerikanisme di negaranya. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memahami munculnya sentimen anti-Amerikanisme dan polanya pada pemerintahan Chun Doo Hwan tahun 1980-an, serta perubahannya pada pemerintahan Yoon Seok Yeol tahun 2022 ini, menggunakan Teori kritis yang berpusat pada konsep emansipasi, sebagai teori utama untuk memahami asal-usul dan kontinuitas anti-Americanism yang sedang berlangsung di Korea Selatan. Ketergantungan Korea Selatan pada kekuatan besar AS, menunjukkan bagaimana negaranya telah beroperasi melalui kerangka neorealisme, yang pada dasarnya menempatkan kepentingan yang lebih besar pada negara-negara dengan sistem pertahanan diri yang kuat – termasuk AS. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ketergantungan Korea Selatan dulu dan sekarang terhadap AS, khususnya di bidang keamanan, telah menjebak Korea Selatan dalam hegemoni neorealisme AS. Sentimen anti-Americanism terhadap AS, merupakan akibat dari eksklusivitas negara Korea Selatan, yang bertekad untuk selalu dipimpin oleh kepemimpinan AS. Sentimen itu sendiri, meski tidak se-ekstrim pemerintahan Chun pada 1980-an, keberadaannya di masyarakat Korea Selatan masih sangat menonjol, terutama yang berasal dari masyarakat sipil progresif. Pada akhirnya, selama Korea Selatan masih mengandalkan hegemoni AS, sentimen ini diyakini masih akan berlanjut./The US hegemony upon South Korea, and the latter’s military reliance towards its “savior” has been a long going relationship between the two states, in which each parties has its own interest. Whilst the US attempts to preserve its influence in South Korea – and the East Asia region, South Korea relies on the US for its safety in the on going Korea War. In respect to this, South Korea’s entanglement in the US hegemony circle, has caused the exclusivity of state, and indirectly caused a wave of anti-Americanism sentiment in its country. This research, aimed to understand the emergence of the anti-Americanism sentiment and its pattern during the 1980s Chun Doo Hwan administration, and its changes in the 2022 Yoon Seok Yeol administration, utilised Critical Theory, which centers around the concept of emancipation, as it’s main concept to understand the origins and the on-going continuity of anti-Americanism in South Korea. South Korea’s reliance on the great power of The US, showcased how its state has operated through a neorealism framework, which essentially placed a greater importance on nations with strong self defense system – including the US. Through this research, it was found that the South Korea’s then and now reliance towards the US, especially in the field of security, has trapped South Korea in the US neorealism hegemony. The anti-Americanism sentiment towards the US, is a product of South Korea’s exclusivity of the state, which agrees to always be led by the US leadership. The sentiment itself, although, not as extreme as how it was during the Chun administration in the 1980s, its existence within the South Korean society is still very prominent, especially coming from progressive civil societies. In the end, as long as South Korea still relies on the US on its hegemony, this sentiment is believed to still continue on.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Wijaya, Patricia Dhea
Thesis advisor
Jemadu, Aleksius
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hegemoni; Amerika Serikat; Ekslusivisme negara; Korea Selatan; Demokrasi; Pergerakan Sosial; anti-Americanism
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Patricia Dhea Wijaya
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2023 05:11
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2023 05:11
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/52900

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