Analisis faktor kesuksesan box office Hollywood di Cina periode 2012-2019

Claudio, Claudio (2023) Analisis faktor kesuksesan box office Hollywood di Cina periode 2012-2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Seiring dengan berkembangnya aktivitas perdagangan internasional, kegiatan ekspor impor film menjadi semakin marak dilakukan. Kesuksesan box office Hollywood di Cina periode 2012–2019 menjadi suatu fenomena yang bersejarah bagi industri film secara keseluruhan. Kesuksesan Hollywood di Cina menjadi angin segar bagi para pelaku industri film lain yang ingin memperluas usahanya ke pasar internasional. Mempelajari strategi di balik kesuksesan Hollywood di Cina menjadi hal yang esensial untuk memberikan gambaran kondisi pasar internasional kepada para pelaku industri film. Atas dasar itu, penelitian ini menganalisis faktor eksternal dan faktor internal di balik kesuksesan box office Hollywood di Cina pada periode 2012–2019. Penelitian berfokus kepada strategi yang digunakan Hollywood dan kondisi ekonomi politik pada periode tersebut. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan dasar teori Neoliberalisme untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian dengan dibantu oleh empat konsep yaitu konsep Perjanjian Internasional, Kerja Sama Internasional, Perdagangan Internasional, dan Globalisasi. Data dan sumber penelitian adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan dan studi daring. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik naratif untuk menganalisis data yang terkumpul dalam penelitian. Sementara itu, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksplanasi. Pusat acuan penelitian adalah kesuksesan Hollywood di Cina periode 2012–2019. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Memorandum of Understanding between the United States of America and China: Films for Theatrical Release menjadi awal kesuksesan Hollywood di Cina karena berhasil menembus pasar film Cina yang restriktif dan memungkinkan Hollywood untuk mengimplementasikan strategi kolaborasi, Chinafication, promosi, diferensiasi, dan kontrol kualitas film sebagai faktor internal di balik kesuksesannya. Tidak hanya itu, faktor eksternal seperti peningkatan pasar Cina dan relasi baik AS-Cina juga memegang peranan penting di balik kesuksesan Hollywood di Cina. Faktor-faktor tersebut sangat memengaruhi peningkatan box office Hollywood yang signifikan di Cina pada periode 2012–2019/Along with the development of international trade, film export-import activities are becoming increasingly widespread. The box office success of the Hollywood industry in China during the 2012–2019 period became a historic phenomenon for the film industry as a whole. Hollywood's success in China is a breath of fresh air for other film industry aficionados who wish to expand their business into the international market. Studying the strategy and market conditions behind Hollywood's success in China is essential to provide an overview of international market conditions to film industry dealers. On that basis, this study analyzes the internal and external factors behind Hollywood's box office success in China during the 2012–2019 period. The study focuses on the strategies used by Hollywood and the political-economic conditions during that period. This study employs the basics of Neoliberalism theory to analyze the results; accompanied by four concepts, namely the international agreement, international cooperation, international trade, and globalization. This study’s data and resources are secondary data obtained from library research and online studies. This study is qualitative research and uses narrative techniques to analyze the data collected in the research. Meanwhile, this study uses the explanatory method as the research method. The center of this study is Hollywood's success in China during the 2012–2019 period. The results of the study show that the Memorandum of Understanding between the United States of America and China: Films for Theatrical Release became the start of Hollywood's success in China because it managed to penetrate the restrictive Chinese film market and enabled Hollywood to implement its strategies, like the strategy of collaboration, Chinafication, promotion, differentiation, and quality control. Not only that, external factors such as the increase of the Chinese film market and great US-China relations also played an important role in Hollywood's success in China. All of those factors greatly influenced the significant increase in Hollywood's box office in China during the 2012–2019 period.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Claudio, Claudio
Thesis advisor
Nasution, Elyzabeth Bonethe
Uncontrolled Keywords: box office; perdagangan Internasional; Hollywood; ekonomi; Cina
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Claudio Claudio
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2023 05:55
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2023 05:55

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