Strategy of Indonesia on the 2008 global financial crisis = Strategi Indonesia di krisis keuangan global 2008

Kurniawan, Nehemia (2023) Strategy of Indonesia on the 2008 global financial crisis = Strategi Indonesia di krisis keuangan global 2008. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The 1998 AFC has impeccably affected the livelihood of all Indonesians as the new order government failed to properly enact appropriate response due to horrendous fundamentals of Indonesia’s banking infrastructure and macroeconomy at the time. After 10 years since the 1998 Crisis, Indonesia was again hit by another crisis that originated from the US Subprime Mortgage Crisis but managed to handle the crisis rather well. Therefore, this research aims to discover the actors behind the implemented policies and the effects of the said policies towards Indonesia’s economic resilience. The condition of Indonesia’s economy during the 2008 GFC will also be studied through case study method. The theory of Neoliberalism will be used to explain the reformation process that Indonesia went through, with the guidance from the IMF and other international institutions through the pillars of deregulation, liberalization, and privatization. The concept of Structural Adjustments also provides a concise explanation to the boundaries and objectives of the policies implemented by IMF to Indonesia. This research has proven that the involvement of international institutions in providing the necessary guidance on structural adjustments is one of the essential factors towards the betterment of the economic resilience of Indonesia. Neoliberal policies that emphasize a market-oriented economy helped streamline the complicated bureaucracy of Indonesia during the reformation era, paired together with Indonesia’s rich experiences from past crises. It is a combination of government proactiveness and pragmatism to avoid another catastrophic crisis that led to the success of the handling of the 2008 GFC./AFC 1998 telah mempengaruhi kehidupan seluruh rakyat Indonesia karena pemerintah orde baru gagal memberikan tanggapan yang tepat karena fundamental infrastruktur perbankan dan ekonomi makro Indonesia yang terpuruk pada saat itu. Setelah 10 tahun sejak Krisis 1998, Indonesia kembali dilanda krisis lain yang berawal dari Krisis Subprime Mortgage AS namun berhasil menangani krisis tersebut dengan cukup baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktor-aktor di balik kebijakan yang diterapkan dan dampak dari kebijakan tersebut terhadap ketahanan ekonomi Indonesia. Kondisi perekonomian Indonesia selama GFC 2008 juga akan dikaji. Teori Neoliberalisme akan digunakan untuk menjelaskan proses reformasi yang dilalui Indonesia, dengan bimbingan IMF dan lembaga internasional lainnya melalui pilar deregulasi, liberalisasi, dan privatisasi. Konsep Penyesuaian Struktural juga memberikan penjelasan ringkas tentang batasan dan tujuan kebijakan yang diterapkan IMF ke Indonesia. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa keterlibatan lembaga internasional dalam memberikan arahan yang diperlukan dalam penyesuaian struktural merupakan salah satu faktor penting menuju perbaikan ketahanan ekonomi Indonesia. Kebijakan neoliberal yang menekankan ekonomi berorientasi pasar membantu merampingkan birokrasi Indonesia yang rumit selama era reformasi, berpadu dengan pengalaman Indonesia yang kaya dari krisis masa lalu. Perpaduan proaktif dan pragmatisme pemerintah untuk menghindari bencana krisis lainnya yang berujung pada keberhasilan penanganan GFC 2008.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Kurniawan, Nehemia
Thesis advisor
Patading, Gusti
Uncontrolled Keywords: global financial crisis; asian financial crisis; Indonesia; monetary policy; macroeconomy
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Nehemia Kurniawan
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2023 01:23
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2023 01:23

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