Suryasari, Dian Ardella (2023) The role of middle-class on democratization of Southeast Asia: case study of the 2011 elections in Singapore and 2013 elections in Malaysia = Peran kelas menengah dalam demokratisasi Asia Tenggara: studi kasus pemilu 2011 di Singapura dan pemilu 2013 di Malaysia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Democracy is a system of government in a country that allows and gives the rights of freedom to its citizens to express opinions and give voting rights to participate in politics based on their representation in decision-making, in other words, democracy is an idea that prioritizes equal obligations and rights as well as equal analysis for all people. The Election Management Body or Election Organizing Body (EMB) must maintain its independence to ensure that elections are organized and conducted in a fair and impartial manner as mentioned in the elections in Singapore and Malaysia in 2011 and 2013. Therefore, in this study there are several thoughts that need to be significantly sharpened regarding the relationship between democracy, the middle-class which also implements social policies in Southeast Asia, especially for Singapore and Malaysia through the eyes of the General Elections that took place in 2011 and 2013 respectively. The presence and role of the middle-class have become increasingly significant during globalization and often improve the balance between the upper and lower classes. The members' serious focus on professionalism and professionalism inspires others to work hard, be disciplined, respect ethics, and respect the human rights of everyone. The data sample was obtained through a descriptive study of the literature, the main data of the data analysis technique was taken by means of narrative analysis. This study uses qualitative methods with analytical techniques and liberalism frameworks, and the concepts that I write are Liberalism, Regional Stability, Democracy, Middle-Class, and Democratic Peace. Conceptually, the middle-class plays a key role in discussing the state based on national cultural characteristics. What remains to be investigated are who developed it, what needs to be improved and developed, integrating regional stability, and creating a Southeast Asian identity for significant economic and political gains that are still unclear. /
Demokrasi adalah sistem pemerintahan dalam suatu negara yang memungkinkan dan memberikan hak kebebasan kepada warga negaranya untuk menyatakan pendapat dan memberikan hak suara untuk berpartisipasi dalam politik berdasarkan keterwakilan mereka dalam pengambilan keputusan, dengan kata lain demokrasi adalah suatu gagasan yang mengutamakan kewajiban dan hak yang sama serta analisis yang sama untuk semua orang. Badan Penyelenggara Pemilu atau Badan Penyelenggara Pemilu (EMB) harus menjaga independensinya untuk memastikan bahwa pemilu diselenggarakan dan dilaksanakan secara adil dan tidak memihak seperti yang disebutkan dalam pemilu di Singapura dan Malaysia tahun 2011 dan 2013. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa pemikiran yang perlu dipertajam secara signifikan terkait hubungan antara demokrasi, kelas menengah yang juga mengimplementasikan kebijakan sosial di Asia Tenggara, khususnya Singapura dan Malaysia melalui kacamata Pemilihan Umum yang berlangsung masing-masing pada tahun 2011 dan 2013. Kehadiran dan peran kelas menengah menjadi semakin signifikan selama globalisasi dan seringkali meningkatkan keseimbangan antara kelas atas dan kelas bawah. Fokus serius para anggota pada profesionalisme dan profesionalisme menginspirasi orang lain untuk bekerja keras, disiplin, menghormati etika, dan menghormati hak asasi setiap orang. Sampel data diperoleh melalui studi deskriptif kepustakaan, data pokok teknik analisis data diambil dengan cara analisis naratif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisis dan kerangka liberalisme, dan konsep yang saya tulis adalah Stabilitas Regional, Demokrasi, Kelas Menengah, dan Perdamaian Demokrasi. Secara konseptual, kelas menengah memainkan peran kunci dalam membahas negara berdasarkan karakteristik budaya nasional. Yang masih harus diselidiki adalah siapa yang mengembangkannya, apa yang perlu ditingkatkan dan dikembangkan, mengintegrasikan stabilitas kawasan, dan menciptakan identitas Asia Tenggara untuk keuntungan ekonomi dan politik yang signifikan yang masih belum jelas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Bachelor) |
Creators: | Creators NIM Email ORCID Suryasari, Dian Ardella NIM01043180039 UNSPECIFIED |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Liwe, Amelia Joan Ribka NIDN0309047405 UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | democracy; middle-class in Southeast Asia; liberalism; authoritarian elections; Singapore; Malaysia; general elections |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JZ International relations |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations |
Depositing User: | Dian Ardella Suryasari |
Date Deposited: | 26 Jul 2023 03:31 |
Last Modified: | 26 Jul 2023 03:31 |
URI: | |