Kepastian hukum nominee dalam perjanjian pengakuan utang di Indonesia

Syarif, Daniel Juan Miguel (2023) Kepastian hukum nominee dalam perjanjian pengakuan utang di Indonesia. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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ditegaskan bahwa pemilik sebidang tanah merupakan pihak yang namanya tercantum dalam sertipikat meskipun tanah tersebut dibeli menggunakan uang, harta, asset milik WNA maupun pihak lain dan Perjanjian wajib mengacu pada dasar akta otentik suatu perjanjian, dimana perjanjian haruslah dapat dipakai sebagai bukti yang kuat sebagai bentuk kepastian dan perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak. Hendaknya mensosialisasikan pelarangan terhadap penyelundupan hukum yang mengunakan modus nominee, dan notaris juga tidak membuat perjanjian nominee dengan kepentingan apapun dan hendaknya para stakeholder, apparat penegak hukum, profesi hukum, dan notaris mengetahui Indonesia adalah negara dengan civil law system sehingga perjanjian nominee tidak dikenal dan tidak terjadi penyelundupan hukum. Adapun apabila terdapat pihak-pihak yang melakukan penyelundupan hokum dengan cara nominee berdasarkan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung nomor 10 tahun 2020 tentang pemberlakuan rumusan hasil rapat pleno kamar mahkamah agung tahun 2020 sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan tugas bagi pengadilan. dalam rumusan hukum kamar perdata butir 4 ditegaskan bahwa pemilik sebidang tanah merupakan pihak yang namanya tercantum dalam sertipikat meskipun tanah tersebut dibeli menggunakan uang, harta, asset milik WNA maupun pihak lain. / Article 1320 of the Civil Code also clearly states that the legal requirements of an agreement are that those who are binding themselves are capable of making an agreement regarding a certain matter and a lawful cause. If the nominee agreement has paid attention to and fulfilled the legal requirements of an agreement, then the nominee agreement has binding legal force for the parties. Based on this description, the problem that the author will analyze is: how is the legal certainty of the nominee agreement in Indonesian law, and what is the position of the nominee in the debt acknowledgment agreement. This research uses normative juridical legal research methods and is associated with legal theories and legal principles through statutory regulations, analytical approaches, case approaches, and conceptual approaches. Paying attention to theories and statutory regulations, if there are parties who carry out law smuggling by means of nominees, it is emphasized that the owner of a plot of land is the party whose name is listed in the certificate, even though the land was purchased using money, assets, or assets belonging to foreigners or foreign nationals. other parties, and the agreement must refer to the basis of the authentic deed of an agreement, where the agreement must be used as strong evidence as a form of certainty and legal protection for the parties. It should socialize the prohibition against law smuggling that uses the nominee mode, and notaries should also not make nominee agreements with any interest or stakeholders, including law enforcement officials and the legal profession. Notaries should also know that Indonesia is a country with a civil law system, so that nominee agreements are unknown and no smuggling occurred. Meanwhile, if there are parties who smuggle law by means of nominees based on Supreme Court Circular Letter number 10 of 2020 concerning the implementation of the formulation of the results of the 2020 plenary meeting of the Supreme Court chamber as a guideline for carrying out tasks for the court, In the formulation of the law of the Civil Chamber, point 4, it is emphasized that the owner of a plot of land is the party whose name is listed on the certificate, even though the land was purchased using money, property, or assets owned by foreigners or other parties.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Syarif, Daniel Juan Miguel
Thesis advisor
Irawan, Soerodjo
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepastian hukum ; nominee ; pengakuan hutang ; notaris
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Master of Notary
Depositing User: Users 26770 not found.
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2023 02:16
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2023 02:16

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