Mediation of South Korea and Japan diplomatic friction as a recommended United States security strategy

Tadius, Keneth (2023) Mediation of South Korea and Japan diplomatic friction as a recommended United States security strategy. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The tense South Korea-Japan relationship, stemming from diplomatic friction, risks destabilizing the international order. Both countries are vital in the global framework, especially within US-led strategic partnerships countering challenges from China and its allies in East Asia. This research examines the friction’s origins, key factors, and advocates US-led mediation as a security strategy to protect American interests. It demonstrates the effectiveness of mediation and recommends it based on international pressure, domestic opinions and multi-faceted considerations. This study applies Neoclassical Realism theory along with the concept of mediation, diplomatic friction, and security strategy to analyze the historical and sociopolitical factors contributing to diplomatic friction. It also examines the US role in mediating between South Korea and Japan, evaluates current and potential steps, and assesses if this effort aligns with known US strategy. It considers pressure from the international system and domestic opinions to defend mediation as an effective security strategy over alternatives. This study utilizes a descriptive method to analyze relevant information, employing a qualitative approach due to the nature of available sources. The data gathered through secondary collection is analyzed using a narrative method. The study concludes by attributing diplomatic friction to various historical and sociopolitical factors such as historical grievances, xenophobia, rivalry, etc., It recognizes the United States as a mutual strategic partner and highlights four key guidelines for mediating the friction. It analyzes international system pressures and domestic opinions regarding mediation. Ultimately, the thesis defends mediation as a security strategy./ Hubungan tegang antara Korea Selatan dan Jepang, yang berasal dari perselisihan diplomatik, berisiko mengganggu stabilitas tatanan internasional. Kedua negara ini sangat penting dalam kerangka global, terutama dalam kemitraan strategis bersama AS menghadapi tantangan dari China dan sekutunya di Asia Timur. Penelitian ini mengkaji asal-usul perselisihan, faktor kunci, dan menganjurkan mediasi yang dipimpin AS sebagai strategi keamanan untuk melindungi kepentingan Amerika. Hal ini menunjukkan keefektifan mediasi dan adanya rekomendasi berdasarkan tekanan internasional, pendapat domestik, dan pertimbangan multi-segi. Studi ini menggunakan teori Realisme Neoklasikal beserta konsep mediasi, perselisihan diplomatik, dan strategi keamanan untuk menganalisis faktor sejarah dan sosial politik yang berkontribusi terhadap terciptanya perselisihan. Serta memeriksa peran AS dalam menengahi antara Korea Selatan dan Jepang, mengevaluasi langkah-langkah saat ini dan yang akan datang, dan menilai apakah upaya ini selaras dengan strategi AS yang selama ini kita ketahui. Tekanan dari sistem internasional dan opini domestik dipertimbangkan untuk mempertahankan mediasi sebagai strategi keamanan yang efektif daripada alternatif lain-nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menganalisis informasi, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena sifat data non-numerikal. Data yang terkumpul melalui pengumpulan sekunder dianalisis dengan metode naratif. Studi ini diakhiri dengan mengaitkan perselisihan dengan berbagai faktor sejarah dan sosiopolitik seperti sejarah, xenofobia, persaingan, dll. Studi ini mengakui Amerika Serikat sebagai mitra strategis utama dan menyoroti empat pedoman utama untuk memediasi gesekan tersebut, tekanan sistem internasional dan pendapat domestik tentang mediasi. Skripsi ini membela fungsi mediasi sebagai strategi keamanan.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Tadius, Keneth
Thesis advisor
Patading, Gusti
Uncontrolled Keywords: South Korea; Japan; United States; diplomatic friction; mediation; security strategy
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Keneth Christopher Tadius
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2023 07:34
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2023 07:34

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