The United States Promotion of Democracy to Myanmar: U.S.A and Myanmar Bilateral Relations 2011-2014 = Promosi Demokrasi Amerika Serikat ke Myanmar: Hubungan Bilateral Amerika Serikat dan Myanmar 2011-2014

Zefanya, Bella (2023) The United States Promotion of Democracy to Myanmar: U.S.A and Myanmar Bilateral Relations 2011-2014 = Promosi Demokrasi Amerika Serikat ke Myanmar: Hubungan Bilateral Amerika Serikat dan Myanmar 2011-2014. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The United States has been committed to advancing liberal democracy globally, especially those associated with selected countries and regions that are considered facing repressive regimes and human rights violations issues like in Myanmar. This research attempts to assess the ways of U.S democracy promotion to Myanmar and how it influences the U.S-Myanmar bilateral relations. The data is gathered through literature study and secondary data where constructivism theory and its concepts are used as the analytical tools for this research. From 2011 to 2014, the U.S employed various strategies at the state-to-state, systemic, and individual levels to support Myanmar's democratic ambitions. This included political engagement, economic assistance, capacity-building initiatives, electoral assistance, and civil society support. The U.S aimed to counterbalance China's influence while genuinely supporting Myanmar's pro-democracy movement and fostering sustainable democratisation. Democracy promotion in Myanmar would also have wider regional and international implications. The promotion of democracy involved both top-down approaches like economic aid and inducing political liberalisation, as well as bottom-up initiatives empowering civil society. These efforts aimed to transfer democratic ideas and shared norms, affecting the behaviour of states to act accordingly. However, the United States faced obstacles, including declining legitimacy as a democracy promoter and differences in democratic understandings between the United States and Myanmar. Prolonged political instability in Myanmar further complicated efforts to strengthen U.S-Myanmar bilateral relations, highlighting the existing difficulties and uncertainties. / Amerika Serikat telah berkomitmen untuk memajukan demokrasi liberal secara global, terutama terhadap negara dan kawasan yang terkait menghadapi rezim represif dan masalah pelanggaran HAM seperti di Myanmar. Riset ini bertujuan untuk meneliti cara promosi demokrasi Amerika Serikat ke Myanmar dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap hubungan bilateral Amerika Serikat-Myanmar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur dan data sekunder dimana teori konstruktivisme dan konsepnya digunakan sebagai alat analisis dalam penelitian ini. Dari tahun 2011 hingga 2014, Amerika Serikat menggunakan berbagai strategi di tingkat negara, sistemik, dan individu untuk mendukung ambisi demokrasi Myanmar. Ini termasuk keterlibatan politik, bantuan ekonomi, inisiatif pembangunan kapasitas, bantuan pemilu, dan dukungan masyarakat sipil. Amerika Serikat bertujuan untuk mengimbangi pengaruh China selagi secara bersamaan mendukung gerakan pro-demokrasi Myanmar dan mendorong demokratisasi yang berkelanjutan. Promosi demokrasi di Myanmar juga memiliki implikasi regional dan internasional secara lebih luas. Promosi demokrasi melibatkan pendekatan dari atas ke bawah seperti bantuan ekonomi dan mendorong liberalisasi politik, serta inisiatif dari bawah ke atas yang memberdayakan masyarakat sipil. Upaya ini bertujuan untuk mentransfer ide-ide demokrasi dan norma-norma bersama, mempengaruhi perilaku negara untuk bertindak sesuai dengan demikian. Namun, Amerika Serikat menghadapi kendala, antara lain menurunnya legitimasi sebagai promotor demokrasi dan perbedaan pemahaman demokrasi antara Amerika Serikat dan Myanmar. Ketidakstabilan politik yang berkepanjangan di Myanmar semakin memperumit upaya untuk memperkuat hubungan bilateral Amerika Serikat-Myanmar, menyoroti kesulitan dan ketidakpastian yang ada.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Zefanya, Bella
Thesis advisor
Djakababa, Yosef Marcis
Uncontrolled Keywords: United States, Democracy, Myanmar, Foreign Policy, Southeast Asia, Bilateral Relations
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Bella Zefanya
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2023 09:57
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2023 09:57

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