Rancang bangun alat ukur antropometri digital dan portabel = Design and building digital and portable anthropometry measuring tools

Matthew, Nicholaus (2023) Rancang bangun alat ukur antropometri digital dan portabel = Design and building digital and portable anthropometry measuring tools. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pada laboratorium Analisis Perancangan Kerja (APK) yang berada di Universitas Pelita Harapan terdapat alat ukur antropometri yang dibuat berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan tahun 2008. Terdapat dua alat ukur antropometri yakni alat ukur antropometri posisi berdiri dan posisi duduk. Berdasarkan evaluasi alat antropometri tersebut, ditemukan bahwa alat kurang efisien karena membutuhkan penyetelan pada bagian meteran horizontal yang berulang saat pengambilan data. Selain itu, pengguna alat juga seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam membaca hasil pengukuran akibat pembacaan angka pada meteran yang cukup kecil. Oleh karena itu, perancangan alat antropometri baru yang bersifat digital dan portabel dilakukan berdasarkan identifikasi kebutuhan melalui wawancara dengan kepala laboratorium. Alat ukur Gea HT721 dipilih sebagai alternatif alat antropometri baru yang akan digunakan. Gea HT721 menggunakan teknologi ultrasonic ranging untuk mengukur jarak antar obyek, sekaligus menampilkan hasil pengukuran secara digital melalui LCD. Perancangan alat dukung untuk alat Gea HT721 dilakukan berdasarkan evaluasi alat. Ditemukan bahwa pengambilan data beberapa dimensi tubuh cukup sulit dilakukan apabila posisi alat tidak stabil akibat bertumpu pada bidang yang tidak rata. Oleh karena itu perancangan alat dukung dilakukan untuk mendukung proses pengukuran menggunakan alat Gea HT721. Alat dukung dirancang berdasarkan prinsip kerja jangka sorong, kemudian dibuat menggunakan bahan kayu. Kursi juga dibuat untuk mendukung pengambilan data antropometri dalam posisi duduk. Setelah alat antropometri baru selesai dibuat, evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data antropometri dan waktu pengambilan data antara alat antropometri lama dan baru. Berdasarkan hasil perbandingan, dan melalui uji statistik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat antropometri baru merupakan alat yang lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan alat antropometri lama karena rata – rata pengambilan data berkurang sebesar 32% untuk pengukuran dimensi posisi berdiri dan 11% untuk pengukuran dimensi posisi duduk. / In the Work Design Analysis Laboratory (APK) located at Pelita Harapan University, there are anthropometric measuring instruments made based on research conducted in 2008. There are two anthropometric measuring instruments, namely standing and sitting position anthropometric measuring instruments. Based on the evaluation of the anthropometric tool, it was found that the tool was inefficient because it required repeated adjustments to the horizontal meter section during data collection. In addition, tool users also often experience difficulties in reading measurement results due to the reading of the numbers on the meter which is quite small. Therefore, the design of a new digital and portable anthropometric tool was carried out based on identification of needs through interviews with the head of the laboratory. The Gea HT721 measuring instrument was chosen as an alternative to the new anthropometric tool to be used. Gea HT721 uses ultrasonic ranging technology to measure distances between objects, while displaying measurement results digitally via the LCD. The design of the supporting tools for the Gea HT721 tool is based on the evaluation of the tool. It was found that data collection on several body dimensions was quite difficult to do if the position of the tool was unstable due to resting on an uneven surface. Therefore, the design of a support tool is carried out to support the measurement process using the Gea HT721 tool. The support device is designed based on the working principle of a vernier caliper, then is made using wood. A Chair is made to support anthropometric data collection in a sitting position. After the new anthropometric tools have been made, an evaluation is carried out by comparing the anthropometric data and the time of data collection between the old and new anthropometric tools. Based on the results of the comparison, and through statistical tests, it can be concluded that the new anthropometric tool is a more efficient tool compared to the old anthropometric tool because the average data collection is reduced by 32% for measuring the dimensions of the standing position and 11% for measuring the dimensions of the sitting position.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Matthew, Nicholaus
Thesis advisor
Christiani, Agustina
Thesis advisor
Nata, Christopher
Uncontrolled Keywords: antropometri; alat ukur; perancangan; pembuatan; efisien; portabel; digital; ultrasonic ranging; paired t test
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Depositing User: Nicholaus Matthew
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2023 09:04
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2023 09:05
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/57990

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