Usulan perbaikan metode kerja persiapan sticker di Gudang TBR PT XYZ = Proposed improvements of sticker preparation work methods at TBR Warehouse PT XYZ

Nugroho, Fandy (2023) Usulan perbaikan metode kerja persiapan sticker di Gudang TBR PT XYZ = Proposed improvements of sticker preparation work methods at TBR Warehouse PT XYZ. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pengiriman barang adalah salah satu aktivitas utama yang dilakukan oleh Gudang TBR. Supaya aktivitas tersebut dapat berjalan dengan lancar, maka Gudang TBR harus mempersiapkan barang yang dibutuhkan seperti salah satunya yaitu sticker. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa Gudang TBR pernah mengalami kehabisan stok. Hal ini dikarenakan Gudang TBR belum optimal dalam melakukan inventory management yang meliputi klasifikasi item size sticker prioritas untuk dikendalikan, jumlah safety stock, dan reorder point (ROP). Selain itu, proses kerja persiapan sticker dinilai kurang efektif terutama ketika terjadi perubahan rencana kirim yang mengharuskan untuk dilakukan pembongkaran bundle sticker yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya. Kedua masalah tersebut jika tidak diatasi dengan baik akan menghambat proses persiapan sticker sehingga menimbulkan waktu penundaan atau potensi keterlambatan pengiriman barang yang akan menjadi ancaman buruk terhadap KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Gudang TBR PT XYZ. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis usulan perbaikan dengan melakukan inventory management untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengiriman serta menentukan cara atau metode lebih efektif untuk dapat mempercepat waktu siklus (cycle time) langkah proses persiapan sticker. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan inventory management yaitu ABC analysis untuk menentukan item size sticker prioritas untuk dikendalikan, sedangkan metode safety stock dan reorder point (ROP) untuk menentukan waktu kapan harus melakukan pemesanan kembali supaya tidak terjadi kehabisan stok sticker. Kemudian, untuk mempercepat waktu siklus langkah proses persiapan sticker dalam penelitian ini digunakan bahan substitusi ikatan bundle sticker berupa cable strap holder. Hasilnya, rata-rata total waktu siklus langkah proses G-H-I sebelum perbaikan yaitu 64,73 detik menurun menjadi 25,85 detik (menurun sebesar 39,9%). / Delivery of goods is one of the main activities carried out by the TBR Warehouse. In order for these activities to run without any obstacles, the TBR Warehouse must prepare the items needed such as sticker. Based on the results of observations that have been made, it was found that the TBR Warehouse had experienced out of stock. This is because the TBR Warehouse has not been optimal in carrying out inventory management which includes the classification of priority item size of stickers to control, the amount of safety stock, and reorder points (ROP). In addition, the work process of sticker preparation was considered ineffective, especially when there was a change in the delivery plan which required dismantling of the sticker bundle that had been prepared beforehand. If these two problems are not handled properly, it will hinder the sticker preparation process, causing delays or potential delays in the delivery of goods which will become a bad threat to PT XYZ's TBR Warehouse KPI (Key Performance Indicator). Based on this background, in this study an analysis of proposed improvements was carried out by carrying out inventory management to meet shipping needs and determine more effective ways or methods to speed up the cycle time of the sticker preparation steps. The methods used in carrying out inventory management is ABC analysis to determine priority item size of stickers to control, while the safety stock and reorder point (ROP) methods are to determine when to place an order again so that sticker does not experience stock out. Then, to speed up the cycle time of the sticker preparation steps in this study, a bundle sticker bond substitute material was used in the form of a cable strap holder. As a result, the average total cycle time of the G-H-I process steps before the improvement, which was 64.73 seconds, decreased to 25.85 seconds (a decrease of 39.9%).
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Nugroho, Fandy
Thesis advisor
Laurence, Laurence
Uncontrolled Keywords: abc analysis, safety stock, reorder point, cycle time
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Depositing User: FANDY NUGROHO
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2023 02:37
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2023 02:37

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