DJAJA, ELIZABETH ALI (2014) Kontradiksi hak istimewa kreditor pemegang hak tanggungan dalam undang–undang kepailitan. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.
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Kepailitan adalah sita umum dan eksekusi terhadap semua kekayaan debitor
untuk kepentingan semua kreditornya. Menurut UU No. 37/2004 tentang Kepailitan,
kreditor terdiri atas kreditor konkuren, kreditor preferen, dan kreditor separatis.
Kreditor pemegang hak tanggungan merupakan jenis kreditor separatis, di mana
menurut KUH Perdata Pasal 1133, Pasal 1134, Pasal 1155 jo Pasal 1178 ayat (2)
memiliki hak parate executie yakni menjual atas kekuasaannya sendiri tanpa perlu
juru sita. Hakekat hak parate executie pada KUH Perdata sejalan dengan Pasal 6 dan
Pasal 20 UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan di mana kewenangan kreditur
pemegang hak tanggungan untuk melakukan eksekusi sendiri apabila terjadi
wanprestasi maupun kepailitan. Akan tetapi, pengaturan tentang hak separatis
kreditur pemegang hak tanggungan pada Pasal 55, Pasal 56 dan Pasal 59 UU No.
37/2004 tentang Kepailitan inkonsistensi atau bertentangan dengan prinsip kreditur
separatis dalam KUH perdata dan UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hakekat kreditur separatis dan hak
– hak separatis kreditur separatis khususnya kreditur pemegang hak tanggungan
apabila terjadi kepailitan, dan menganalisa sinkronisasi peraturan perundang –
undangan yang paling tepat diterapkan terkait eksekusi agunan yang dibebankan hak
tanggungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normative yakni upaya
mencari penyelesaian masalah dengan meneliti dan mengkaji norma hukum positif
dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontradiksi antara KUH Perdata serta
UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan terhadap UU No. 37/2004 tentang
Kepailitan dapat diselesaikan dengan hakim menggunakan asas penafsiran hukum,
yakni asas lex specialis derogate legi generalis. KUH Perdata yang sifatnya berupa
peraturan umum di bidang keperdataan dikesampingkan oleh UU No. 37/2004
tentang Kepailitan dan UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan karena sifatnya yang
khusus. UU No. 37/2004 tentang Kepailitan mengatur tentang aset – aset debitur dan
cara penyelesaiannya terhadap para kreditur sementara UU No. 4/1996 tentang Hak
Tanggungan mengatur lebih spesifik tentang kreditur separatis pemegang hak
tanggungan dan cara penyelesaiannya ketika debitur pailit. Sehingga berdasarkan asas
lex specialis derogate legi generalis, hakim lebih tepat menerapkan UU No. 4/1996
tentang Hak Tanggungan terkait hak separatis kreditur pemegang hak tanggungan. / Bankruptcy is a general seizure and execution towards the debtor’s wealth for
the interest of all creditors. According to Act No. 37/2004 about Bankruptcy, creditor
consists of competitor creditor, preferred creditors, and separatist creditor. Creditor
whose holding mortgage right is a type of separatist creditor, which according to
KUH Perdata Article 1133, Article 1134, Article 1155 jo Article 1178 (2) has the
right to execute the mortgage object on his own power without intervention. Parate
Executie principles as found on KUH Perdata is in accordance with Article 6 and
Article 20 Act No. 4/1996 about Mortgage Right, which the separatist creditor is
authorized to make their own execution if there is any default and bankruptcy.
However, these principles are inconsistency with Article 55, Article 56, Article 59 of
Act No. 37/2004 about Bankruptcy inconsistency.
This research is aimed to analyze the principle of separatist creditor and its
rights, in particular for creditor that holding mortgage right in bankruptcy, and to
analyze the synchronization of those three Acts to determine the most suitable Act to
be implemented in case. This research method that used is normative juridical as
efforts to find the solution of the problem by researching and reviewing the positive
Act norms by conducting library research.
The results of the research showed that contradiction between KUH Perdata
and Act No. 4/1996 about Mortgage Right to the Act No. 37/2004 about Bankruptcy
can be resolved by judges use the interpretation of the Act, lex specialis derogate legi
generalis principle. KUH Perdata as the general rule is put aside by Act No. 37/2004
about Bankruptcy and Act No. 4/1996 about Mortgage Right because they are
specific rules. Act No. 37/2004 about Bankruptcy ruled about assets - assets of debtor
and the solution way to the creditors while Act No. 4/1996 about Mortgage Right
ruled more specific about creditor whose holding mortgage right the solution way
when it comes to debtor’s bankruptcy. Therefore, based on the lex specialis derogate
legi generalis principle, judge will be more accurate to apply Act No. 4/1996 about
Mortgage Right regard to the right of creditor whose holding mortgage right.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Contributors: | Contribution Contributors NIDN/NIDK Email Thesis advisor Hasan, Tandyo UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Thesis advisor Mandiana, Sari UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | hak eksekusi; kreditor separatis; hak tanggungan; execution right; separatist creditor; mortgage right |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Law > Master of Law Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Law > Master of Law |
Depositing User: | Rafael Rudy |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2024 08:14 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jan 2024 08:14 |
URI: | |