Peran aktor internasional dalam reformasi hukum di Republik Islam Iran terhadap sustainable development goals (sdgs) kesetaraan gender = The role of international actors in legal reform in the Islamic Republic of Iran towards sustainable development goals (sdgs) gender equality

Virly, Kiara (2024) Peran aktor internasional dalam reformasi hukum di Republik Islam Iran terhadap sustainable development goals (sdgs) kesetaraan gender = The role of international actors in legal reform in the Islamic Republic of Iran towards sustainable development goals (sdgs) gender equality. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Republik Islam Iran merupakan negara yang menggabungkan antara politik dan agama. Revolusi pada tahun 1979 telah membawa perubahan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan wanita Iran termasuk kebijakan hukum yang mengatur cara berpakaian, keterbatasan dalam lingkungan pekerjaan, hingga relasi dalam pernikahan yang dianggap patriarkis dan merugikan oleh masyarakat Iran, khususnya wanita. Isu ini telah meluas ke masyarakat internasional, serta sejumlah aktor internasional merespon atas kasus ini khususnya setelah isu kematian Mahsa Amini. Seluruh negara di dunia telah berkomitmen untuk mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) termasuk Iran. Tujuan kelima dari SDGs adalah untuk mencapai kesetaraan gender serta memerangi segala bentuk diskriminasi yang mereka hadapi. Dalam hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah dampak yang dirasakan oleh wanita Iran akibat hukum yang patriarkis di Iran. Serta bagaimana respon aktor-aktor internasional dalam mendorong reformasi hukum Iran demi mengimplementasikan SDGs kesetaraan gender. Teori dan konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah teori liberalisme, kajian gender dalam islam, tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan aktor non-negara. Temuan penting dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa aktor non negara HRAI dan Amnesty International yang memainkan peran penting untuk mendokumentasikan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, MNC Google dan Meta yang mendukung gerakan feminis melalui sosial media, PBB selaku negara-negara demi mengupayakan SDGs sehubungan dengan keterkaitan antar negara, serta CSO Impact Iran yang berperan mengadakan forum demi rekomendasi untuk pemerintah. Aktor-aktor internasional ini berupaya mewujudkan SDGs kesetaraan gender demi membela hak asasi manusia di Iran. / The Islamic Republic of Iran is a country that combines politics and religion. The revolution in 1979 has brought changes in every aspect of Iranian women's lives, including legal policies that regulate how to dress, limitations in the work environment, to relationships in marriage which are considered patriarchal and detrimental by Iranian society, especially women. This issue has spread to the international community, and a few international actors have responded to this case, especially after the issue of Mahsa Amini's death. All countries in the world have committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Iran. The fifth goal of the SDGs is to achieve gender equality and combat all forms of discrimination they face. In this regard, this research aims to examine the impact felt by Iranian women due to patriarchal laws in Iran. And how international actors have responded in pushing for Iran's legal reform to implement the SDGs of gender equality. The theories and concepts used in research in this study are liberalism theory, gender studies in Islam, sustainable development goals, and non-state actors. Important findings from this research are that non-state actors HRAI and Amnesty International play an important role in documenting human rights violations, MNC Google and Meta support feminist movements through social media, the UN as countries to work towards SDGs in relation to inter-country relations. as well as CSO Impact Iran whose role is to hold forums for recommendations for the government. These international actors are working to realize the SDGs of gender equality in order to defend human rights in Iran.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Virly, Kiara
Thesis advisor
Arlan, Adri
Uncontrolled Keywords: aktor internasional; Iran; kesetaraaan gender; liberalisme; sdgs; international actor; Iran; gender equality; liberalism; sdgs.
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: KIARA VIRLY
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2024 02:13
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2024 02:13

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