Rekayasa desain batik tulis Jetis - Sidoarjo melalui implementasi metode kansei engineering

S, Margaretha (2011) Rekayasa desain batik tulis Jetis - Sidoarjo melalui implementasi metode kansei engineering. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Sebagai produk seni yang diminati banyak orang, desain batik tidak hanya harus bercitarasa seni tinggi, tetapi juga harus sesuai dengan ekspektasi pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, ketika seorang desainer batik mulai merancang desain baru, ia harus mengintegrasikan banyak permintaan berdasarkan prospektif pelanggan; tidak hanya permintaan teknis dan objektif, tapi juga estetika, emosional dan faktor pengalaman lainnya. Desainer tersebut harus dapat menyeimbangkan fungsi logis dan emosional, informasi dan inspirasi. Metode Kansei Engineering merupakan pendekatan desain yang didasarkan pada kondisi ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik kepustakaan dan juga teknik komunikasi, yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner Semantik Diferensial (SD) dengan skala Likert kepada konsumen batik di Surabaya. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis validitas, reliabilitas, faktor analisis, regresi linear berganda dan kruskal-wallis. Pengukuran awal dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner SD I ke 80 orang responden yang harus melakukan penilaian terhadap preferensi mereka dalam memilih suatu batik. Data diolah menggunakan statistik multivariat : analisis validitas, reliabilitas, faktor analisis dan regresi linear berganda. Setelah itu, disebarkan lagi kuesioner SD II ke 108 orang responden untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap tujuh sampel produk batik tulis Jetis dan kemudian dilakukan analisis validitas, reliabilitas, regresi linear berganda dan kruskal-wallis. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkatkan nilai Rsquare untuk model regresi yakni sebesar 45,4%, dimana variabel utama pembentuk model regresi ialah menarik perhatian dengan koefisien 0,674. Selanjutnya, dari hasil analisis kruskal￾wallis didapatkan karakteristik desain batik tulis Jetis yang baru yakni : (1) motif : geometris, (2) ornamen utama : kembang 2, (3) ornamen pengisi : lung-lung an, (4) jumlah isen : 3, (5) warna primer : kuning, (6) warna sekunder : coklat, (7) ada lis, (8) material kain : primis. / As an art product, batik design must not only contain art composition, but also must be in accordance with customer expectations. When a batik designer starts to design the form of a new product, she/he needs to integrate many demands and wishes that the prospective users of the new product may have. Not only technical and objective demands are important, but also aesthetic, emotional, and other experiential factors, some of which are hard or impossible to express objectively. In design practice, the designer has to balance the objective and subjective properties, functional technology and emotional expressiveness, information and inspiration. Design development discussed in Kansei Engineering is a new approach which derived from these conditions. The data collection was done by using study literature as well as communication techniques. In the initial study, 80 respondents have to asses the first semantic differential questionnaires about their preferences in choosing a batik. Data processed using statistic multivariate: validity analysis, reliability analysis, analysis factor and multiple linear regressions. In the advance study, 7 different types of batik tulis Jetis as samples for this study with the aspect of originality and variety were selected. 108 respondents who had participated have to conduct an assessment of 5-grade semantic differential method gathered in the second semantic differential questionnaires with 11 kansei words. Data processed using validity analysis, reliability analysis, multiple linear regression, and kruskal￾wallis. From the research, Rsquare values for the regression model is 45.4% where the main coefficient forming the regression model is the attention of interest with coefficient of regression is 0.674. Furthermore, the results of the kruskal-wallis analysis of acquired characteristics batik Jetis new design as follow: (1) motif: geometric, (2) The main ornament: flowers 2, (3) ornaments fillers: the lung-lung, (4) the number of isen : 3, (5) primary colors: yellow, (6) secondary colors: brown, (7) there is lis, (8) fabric material: primis.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
S, Margaretha
Thesis advisor
Runtuk, Johan Krisnanto
Thesis advisor
Suhartati, Lusia Permata Sari
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 25 Jan 2024 06:44
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2024 06:44

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