Kerja sama pemerintah Indonesia pengan pemerintah Arab Saudi dalam melindungi pekerja migran Indonesia di Arab Saudi = Cooperation between the Indonesian government and the Saudi Arabian government in protecting Indonesian migrant worker in Saudi Arabia

Joshua, Joshua (2020) Kerja sama pemerintah Indonesia pengan pemerintah Arab Saudi dalam melindungi pekerja migran Indonesia di Arab Saudi = Cooperation between the Indonesian government and the Saudi Arabian government in protecting Indonesian migrant worker in Saudi Arabia. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Analysis of violence and injustice experienced by PMI in Saudi Arabia is a subject that has long been widely studied by social science researchers and the general public. This research is based on complaints of violence and injustice experienced by PMI in Saudi Arabia that continues to prolong. This ongoing issue often strains relations between the two countries. This issue is increasingly interesting when viewed in terms of international relations, because the two interrelated countries are faced with problems that can worsen relations between the two countries. Solving problems that so far have often relied on government to government, have not been able to produce maximum results. This makes the two governments can no longer depend on government to government diplomacy and start using people to people diplomacy to dampen the issue. The issue of human rights which in this case is also very important in the international world, which is working together to continue to ensure the enforcement of human rights throughout the world. The author uses a qualitative approach in the research conducted, so that research is written based on the results of data elaboration conducted by the author. The author also uses descriptive methods in writing research so that the results of the processed data can describe the phenomenon of the problem. In order to produce maximum data processed, the writer uses the theory of neoliberalism added with six other concepts, namely: diplomacy, migration, bilateral cooperation, non-traditional security, human trafficking, and civil society. With the help of theories and concepts used, it is expected that the writer can help clarify the presentation of the research conducted. The results of this study are supported by the results of data searches conducted by online studies (JSTOR & GARUDA), literature studies, and interviews. Through this research the writer found several things that were considered important by the author and could hinder the protection of PMI if left unchecked. The first finding that came from within Indonesia was that there were many village heads who were helping human traffickers carry out their actions. While on the part of Saudi Arabia the authors found a family law in Saudi Arabia, which can complicate law enforcement for PMI employers. Followed by the unfinished negotiations regarding changes in the recruitment and placement system of PMI (SPSK) between the two governments. / Analisis mengenai kekerasan dan ketidakadilan yang dialami oleh PMI di Arab Saudi merupakan bahasan yang sejak dulu banyak dipelajari oleh kalangan peneliti ilmu sosial maupun khalayak umum. Penelitian ini didasari oleh aduan kekerasan dan ketidakadilan yang dialami PMI di Arab Saudi yang terus berkepanjangan. Isu yang terus berjalan ini, kerap membuat hubungan antara kedua negara menegang. Isu ini semakin menarik jika dipandang dari sisi hubungan internasional, dikarenakan kedua negara yang saling berkaitan ini dihadapkan dengan permasalahan yang dapat memperburuk hubungan kedua negara. Penyelesaian masalah yang selama ini kerap mengandalkan government to government, belum dapat menghasilkan hasil yang maksimal. Hal ini membuat kedua pemerintah tidak boleh lagi bergantung dengan government to government diplomacy dan mulai menggunakan people to people diplomacy untuk meredam isu yang ada. Permasalahan HAM yang di dalam kasus ini juga sangat penting dalam dunia internasional yang sedang bekerjasama untuk terus menjamin penegakan HAM di seluruh dunia. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam penelitian yang dilakukan, sehingga peneletian yang ditulis berdasarkan hasil elaborasi data yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Penulis juga menggunakan metode deskriptif dalam melakukan penulisan penelitian sehingga hasil dari olahan data dapat mendeksripsikan fenomena permasalahan yang ada. Agar dapat menghasilkan olahan data yang maksimal penulis menggunakan teori neoliberalisme di tambah dengan enam konsep lainnya yaitu: diplomasi, migrasi, kerja sama bilateral, keamanan non-tradisional, human trafficking, dan civil society. Dengan bantuan dari teori dan konsep yang digunakan diharapkan penulis dapat membantu memperjelas penyajian penelitian yang dilakukan. Hasil dari penelitian ini didukung oleh hasil pencarian data yang dilakukan dengan cara studi daring (JSTOR & GARUDA), studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Melalui Penelitian ini penulis menemukan beberapa hal yang dianggap penulis penting dan dapat menghambat pemberian perlindungan kepada PMI jika terus dibiarkan. Temuan yang pertama yang berada dari dalam negeri Indonesia yaitu banyaknya kepala desa yang malah membantu para pelaku human trafficking melakukan aksinya. Sedangkan dari pihak Arab Saudi penulis menemukan adanya hukum keluarga di Arab Saudi, yang dapat mempersulit penegakan hukum kepada para majikan PMI. Diikuti dengan negosiasi yang belum kunjung selesai perihal perubahan sistem rekrutmen dan penempatan PMI (SPSK) antara kedua pemerintahan. Reference: 7 buku + 6 artikel jurnal + 18 media masa + 7 situs web
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Joshua, Joshua
Thesis advisor
Ismanto, Ignatius
Uncontrolled Keywords: bilateral cooperations; Indonesian migrant worker; Indonesia; Saudi Arabia; human rights
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Joshua Joshua
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2020 01:30
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 03:38

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