Analisis risiko faktor-faktor non excusable delays (NED) terhadap pelaksanaan proyek bangunan gedung

Mannawi, Hayul (2024) Analisis risiko faktor-faktor non excusable delays (NED) terhadap pelaksanaan proyek bangunan gedung. Masters thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Non Excusable Delays (NED) sering terjadi di berbagai proyek konstruksi dan menimbulkan risiko kerugian yang cukup besar bagi pihak kontraktor sebab kerugian akan dibebankan kepada pihak kontraktor. Risiko Non Excusable Delays (NED) pada umumnya dapat dicegah melalui manajemen risiko. Manajemen risiko pada Non Excusable Delays (NED) adalah suatu cara untuk memitigasi risiko Non Excusable Delays (NED) dikemudian hari agar dapat diminimalisir lebih awal. Kajian Manajemen risiko pada Non Excusable Delays (NED) sangat penting untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi kontraktor khususnya dalam pelaksanaan proyek bangunan gedung sebab Non Excusable Delays (NED) menimbulkan keterlambatan konstruksi yang tidak hanya merugikan kontraktor namun seluruh pihak terkait. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui risiko faktor-faktor Non Excusable Delays (NED) yang memiliki risiko dominan pada tahap pelaksanaan proyek bangunan gedung dan mengakaji tindakan manajemen risiko atau tindakan pengelolaan risiko yang tepat dalam merespon risiko dominan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis Regresi Linier Berganda, yaitu suatu alat analisis peramalan nilai pengaruh dua variabel bebas atau lebih terhadap variabel terikat, data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuisioner terhadap karyawaan yang terlibat langsung dalam pelaksanaan proyek bangunan gedung di lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis maka diketahui terdapat 3 faktor risiko dominan Non Excusable Delays (NED) yaitu : Faktor kesalahan detail desain dari subkontraktor, Faktor tidak adanya pengawasan tenaga kerja, dan Faktor subkontraktor untuk tenaga kerja yang tidak dapat diandalkan. Adapun strategi manajemen risiko yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah atau meminimalisir risiko dampak dominan diatas adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Diperlukan perencanaan desain yang memperkirakan kemungkinan risiko re-desain atau rework dan peningkatan koordinasi antar manajemen dengan subkontraktor melalui evaluasi dan analisa terhadap pekerjaan kontruksi dengan rapat koordinasi yang rutin, 2) Diperlukan peningkatan sistem manjemen, kompetensi dan kelengkapan fasilitas untuk pengawasan tenaga kerja yang efektif, 3). Diperlukan memperhatikan kualifikasi keahlian dan pengalaman serta penawaran subkontraktor dan membangunan hubungan yang baik antara kontraktor dan subkontraktor. / Non Excusable Delays (NED) often occur in various construction projects and pose a significant risk of loss to the contractor because the loss will be borne by the contractor. The risk of Non-Excusable Delays (NED) can generally be prevented through risk management. Risk management on Non-Excusable Delays (NED) is a way to mitigate the risk of Non-Excusable Delays (NED) in the future so that they can be minimized earlier. Risk Management Study on Non Excusable Delays (NED) is very important to solve problems faced by contractors, especially in the implementation of building projects because Non Excusable Delays (NED) cause construction delays which are not only detrimental to contractors but all related parties. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the risk of non-excusable delays (NED) factors that have a dominant risk at the implementation stage of a building project and to assess management actions or appropriate management actions in response to these dominant risks. This research use the Multiple Linear Regression analysis method, which is an analysis tool for forecasting the value of the influence of two or more independent variables on the dependent variable. Data is collected through distributing questionnaires to employees who are directly involved in the implementation of building projects at the research location. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there are 3 dominant risk factors for Non-Excusable Delays (NED), namely: the detailed design error factor from subcontractors, the factor of lack of labor supervision, and the subcontractor factor for unreliable labor. The risk management strategies that can be implemented to prevent or minimize the risk of the dominant impacts above are as follows: 1) A design plan is needed that estimates the possible risk of re-design or rework and increases coordination between management and subcontractors through evaluation and analysis of construction work with coordination meetings. routine, 2) It is necessary to improve the management system, competence and completeness of facilities for effective workforce supervision, 3). It is necessary to pay attention to the qualifications, expertise and experience as well as subcontractor offers and build good relationships between contractors and subcontractors.
Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Mannawi, Hayul
Thesis advisor
Tani, Irawan
Uncontrolled Keywords: Non Excusable Delays (NED) ; Manajemen Risiko ; Analsis Regresi Linear Berganda
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Historic > Faculty/School > Master of Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Users 33966 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2024 09:11
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2024 09:11

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