Mental health treatment for the World War II veterans as the US and the UK contribution to human rights

Audrey, Kezia (2020) Mental health treatment for the World War II veterans as the US and the UK contribution to human rights. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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World War II was declared as the deadliest international war. Generally, the war was divided into two military alliances, namely, the Allies and the Axis. The overall victory was obtained by the Allies, which included United States and United Kingdom. However, it was not without cost. One of the greatest consequences was the psychological wounds acquired by a huge number of soldiers and veterans, initially known as shell shock. Around the time of World War II, the field of psychology began to be included in military. As the discipline of psychology developed, shell shock became recognized as post-traumatic stress disorder. The US and the UK also utilized the findings in psychology to provide mental healthcare for their World War II veterans who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological injuries. This study aims to discover the contribution of psychology toward the mental health treatment of the US and the UK World War II veterans. This research applies explorative and historical-comparative methods, along with qualitative approach, and includes liberalism theory and human rights. The results of the research shows that the evolution of psychology contributes significantly in the improvement of the mental healthcare for the US and the UK World War II veterans, marked by the increasing facilities and treatment methods provided through Veterans Affairs and National Health Service. Through the improving quality of the mental healthcare system for the veterans, the US and the UK are also fulfilling their rights. / Perang Dunia II merupakan perang yang berskala internasional paling mematikan. Secara garis besar, Perang Dunia II terbagi menjadi dua aliansi militer, yaitu Sekutu dan Poros. Kemenangan diraih oleh Sekutu, yang di dalamnya termasuk Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya. Namun, kemenangan itu disertai dengan berbagai konsekuensi, salah satunya merupakan terganggunya kondisi psikologi para tentara dan veteran Perang Dunia II yang awalnya dikenal sebagai shell shock. Sekitar periode inilah ilmu psikologi mulai dilibatkan dalam kemiliteran. Seiring berjalannya waktu, gangguan psikologi akibat perang ini tidak lagi disebut shell shock, namun diakui sebagai post-traumatic stress disorder. Ketika ilmu psikologi semakin berkembang, Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya menggabungkan ilmu tersebut ke dalam institusi kesehatan yang mereka dirikan untuk membantu merawat para veteran Perang Dunia II yang mengalami post-traumatic stress disorder dan gangguan mental lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi dari perkembangan ilmu psikologi terhadap perawatan kondisi mental para veteran Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya yang terlibat dalam Perang Dunia II. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode eksploratif dan historis-komparatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Konsep yang digunakan mencakup teori liberalisme dan hak asasi manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan ilmu psikologi berdampak positif terhadap penanganan gangguan mental para veteran Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya yang terlibat dalam Perang Dunia II, ditandai dengan bertambahnya teknik perawatan dan fasilitas yang sebagian besar disediakan oleh Veterans Affairs dan National Health Service. Hal ini pun berkontribusi secara nyata pada pemenuhan hak asasi manusia para veteran.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Audrey, Kezia
Thesis advisor
Nasution, Elyzabeth Bonethe
Uncontrolled Keywords: veteran; mental health; psychology; shell shock; post-traumatic stress disorder; World War I; World War II; United States; United Kingdom; veterans affairs; national health service
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Users 3250 not found.
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2020 06:52
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2020 09:00

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