The roles of World Trade Organization in resolving trade dispute between Indonesia and the United States on horticultural products and animal products = Peran World Trade Organization dalam menyelesaikan sengketa dagang produk hortikultural dan produk hewan antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat

Kartadinata, Brenda Cristie (2020) The roles of World Trade Organization in resolving trade dispute between Indonesia and the United States on horticultural products and animal products = Peran World Trade Organization dalam menyelesaikan sengketa dagang produk hortikultural dan produk hewan antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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The rise of globalization and interconnectedness between states, create trade relations and dependence between states so that international trade happened. The openness of market doesn’t always end with good result and dispute between states might be one of the results. GATT established as regimes for trade, and then came the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO handles many sectors within trade, including in resolving trade dispute. The dispute between Indonesia and US within horticultural and animal products can be an example, this research will relate the case to the significance of WTO as an international organization to resolve trade dispute, based on its significance in international trade, principles and regulations and the role of DSB. This research seeks to understand the interests behind the case between Indonesia and US, and find the important roles of WTO in resolving dispute. As an exploratory research using qualitative research method, this research seeks to fill the lack of research regarding WTO’s roles in dispute. The concepts used are international trade, international regime, and international organization. The analysis found that WTO has heavy contribution towards international trade that increase members trade activities, its principles and regulations provides legal basis that created effective and stable condition, then the existence of Dispute Settlement Body with its experience on handling trade dispute which prove WTO significance. Indonesia and the US are both members of WTO, they acknowledge the need of organizations like WTO. Indonesia admitted to violate WTO regulation pointed out by US. While the DSB facilitate the settlement, with the consent from both states to resolve the dispute, with the panel recommendations are followed by Indonesia as the defendant of the case. / Adanya kemunculan globalisasi dan hubungan keterkaitan antar-negara yang semakin umum, menghasilkan hubungan dagang dan ketergantungan antar negara kemudia terjadilah perdagangan international. Keterbukaan pasar tidak selalu membawa hal positif, sengketa antar-negara bisa menjadi hasil dari hal tersebut. GATT sebagai regim dibentuk untuk perdagangan internasional, kemudian muncul World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO menangani banyak sektor salah setunya seperti menyelesaikan sengketa dagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kepentingan dibalik kasus antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat untuk produk hortikulural dan produk hewan, dan untuk memahami peran WTO dalam menyelesaikan sengketa dagang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif dengan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan mengisi kurangnya penelitian yang menjelaskan perean WTO. Konsep-konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perdagangan internasional, regim internasional, dan organisasi internasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan peran WTO dalam menyelesaikan sengketa dagang, yaitu dengan kontribusi yang besar terhadap perdagangan internasional yang meningkatkan aktivitas perdagangan anggotanya, prinsip dan peraturan yang menjadi dasar hukum membuat aktivitas dagang efektif dan stabil, dan keberadaan DSB di WTO dengan pengalamannya menyelesaikan sengketa dagang. Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat sebagai anggota WTO sejak awal berdiri, menjadi pengakuan terhadap pentingnya keberadaan organisasi dagang, Indonesia mengakui kesalahan yaitu melanggar peraturan WTO yang dilaporkan oleh Amerika Serikat, dan sebuah keharusan untuk Indonesia mengikuti peraturan WTO. Dispute Settlement Body memfasilitasi penyelesiaan sengketa dengan persetujuan penuh dari kedua pihak, hasil rekomendasi panel dipatuhi oleh Indonesia sebagai terdakwa dalam kasus ini.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Kartadinata, Brenda Cristie
Thesis advisor
Natalia, Reggiannie Christy
Additional Information: trade dispute; WTO roles; dispute settlement body; international trade; international organization
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Users 3253 not found.
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2020 02:50
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 08:02

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