Korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh pre-operatif terhadap visual analogue scale pasien pasca apendiktomi pada apendisitis akut = Correlation between pre-operative body mass index with post appendectomy visual analogue scale in acute appendicitis patients

Kimberly, Kesya (2018) Korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh pre-operatif terhadap visual analogue scale pasien pasca apendiktomi pada apendisitis akut = Correlation between pre-operative body mass index with post appendectomy visual analogue scale in acute appendicitis patients. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 stated that the prevalence of obesity and overweight increasing annually in developing countries, for instance is in Indonesia. CN Rachmi (2017) reported that obesity is a serious problem for Indonesia that has doubled in the last 2 decades in adults and children populations. Abnormal body mass index is associated with post-appendectomy complications, one of these complications is post-operative pain, but its significance still needs to be proved. The purpose of this research is to discover the correlation between pre-operative Body Mass Index and pain after appendectomy in acute appendicitis. Therefore, the pain after appendectomy in patients with acute appendicitis can be predicted, and also the optimal pain control for patients after appendectomy can be planned. The study design is retrospective cohort with correlation and ANOVA analysis. Subjects of the research are 50 patients with acute appendicitis admitted to Siloam General Hospital Lippo Village Building B on April 2018 until June 208. Data were collected via interview and all patients admitted during that period were used as respondents. Data analysis was done using correlation test in SPSS version 21. Correlation analysis from 50 patients shown that preoperative Body Mass Index has moderate positive correlation with pain after appendectomy assessed using Visual Analogue Scale after first day of appendectomy in patients with acute appendicitis (r = 0.358, p = 0.011). Normal BMI have significance differences with low and high BMI (p = 0.012, p = 0.000). To conclude, Body Mass Index have moderate positive correlation with pain after first day of appendectomy in patients with acute appendicitis / Berdasarkan data World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 prevalensi overweight dan obesitas meningkat tiap tahunnya pada negara-negara berkembang, salah satunya di Indonesia. Data penelitian CN Rachmi (2017) melaporkan bahwa obesitas menjadi masalah serius bagi Indonesia yang meningkat dua kali lipat dalam 2 dekade terakhir pada orang dewasa dan anak-anak. Indeks Massa Tubuh yang tidak normal memiliki hubungan dengan komplikasi-komplikasi yang terjadi pasca operasi apendiktomi, salah satunya adalah nyeri, namun signifikansi hubungannya masih perlu dibuktikan lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara indeks massa Tubuh preoperatif terhadap derajat nyeri pasca apendiktomi pada pasien apendisitis akut, sehingga dapat memprediksi tingkat nyeri pasca appendiktomi pada pasien dengan apendisitis akut serta merencanakan upaya tatalaksana anti nyeri pada pasien – pasien pasca apendiktomi secara optimal. Design studi adalah kohort retrospektif dengan analisis korelasi dan ANOVA. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan terhadap 50 pasien di Rumah Sakit Siloam Lippo Village Gedung B pada bulan April 2018 sampai Juni 2018. Seluruh pasien yang masuk ke dalam Rumah Sakit pada periode tersebut diambil sebagai responden dan data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil interview. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi SPSS 21. Hasil analisis korelasi dari total 50 pasien didapatkan bahwa indeks massa tubuh pre-operatif memiliki korelasi positive sedang dengan tingkat nyeri pasca apendiktomi pada apendisitis akut yang dinilai dengan visual analogue scale pada hari pertama pos operasi (r = 0.358, p = 0.011), dan IMT normal memiliki perbedaan VAS bermakna dengan IMT kurang dan berlebih (p = 0.012, p = 0.000). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Indeks massa tubuh pre-operatif memiliki korelasi positive sedang dengan tingkat nyeri hari pertama pasca apendiktomi pada pasien apendisitis akut.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Kimberly, Kesya
Thesis advisor
Larasati, Maria
Additional Information: SK 71-15 KIM k
Uncontrolled Keywords: Indeks massa tubuh; nyeri pasca apendiktomi; apendisitis akut; Body Mass Index; pain after appendectomy; Acute Appendicitis.
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2020 04:03
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2021 06:14
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/6346

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