Dampak people to people diplomacy melalui New Colombo Plan terhadap hubungan bilateral Australia-Indonesia (2014-2018)=The impact of people to people diplomacy through New Colombo Plan towards Australia-Indonesia bilateral relations (2014-2018)

Paramitha, Eva Nadia (2020) Dampak people to people diplomacy melalui New Colombo Plan terhadap hubungan bilateral Australia-Indonesia (2014-2018)=The impact of people to people diplomacy through New Colombo Plan towards Australia-Indonesia bilateral relations (2014-2018). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Pendidikan merupakan salah satu sektor penting bagi Australia-Indonesia sebagai instrumen dalam meningkatkan hubungan orang ke orang demi mencapai hubungan bilateral yang kuat. Namun pada kenyataannya hubungan bilateral kedua negara kerap mengalami pasang surut. Oleh sebab itu, Australia dan Indonesia perlu melaksanakan kerja sama melalui bantuan luar negeri Australia pada sektor pendidikan. Bantuan pembangunan luar negeri Australia untuk Indonesia sudah dimulai sejak tahun 1950-an melalui program Colombo Plan dan pada tahun 2014 bantuan luar negeri Australia pada sektor pendidikan melalui New Colombo Plan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apa yang melatarbelakangi munculnya New Colombo Plan. Selain itu untuk menggambarkan program-program dari New Colombo Plan dan proses implementasinya termasuk memaparkan dampak yang terlaksana melalui diplomasi orang ke orang Australia-Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori liberalisme dan beberapa konsep antara lain: konsep kerja sama internasional, konsep liberalisme interdependensi, konsep diplomasi dan konsep bantuan luar negeri. Melalui bantuan program pendidikan Australia kepada Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa kedua negara memiliki keseriusan dalam mempererat kerja sama bilateral untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap perbedaan kebudayaan dan sistem pendidikan dengan cara meningkatkan hubungan orang ke orang melalui bidang pendidikan dan memberikan peningkatan terhadap partisipasi pelajar Australia untuk menempuh studi di Indonesia dan sebaliknya serta meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di sektor pendidikan selama periode 2014 sampai 2018. Adapun latar belakang program Colombo Plan yang sangat sukses, maka dibuatlah program New Colombo Plan yang menyediakan program jangka panjang, jangka pendek, kelas bahasa, dan magang. Adapun dampak melalui people to people diplomacy melalui program tersebut berjalan dengan baik dan terus diperkuat melalui generasi muda agar hubungan kedua negara dapat terus terjalin meski sering kali mengalami ketegangan. / Education is one of the important sectors for Australia-Indonesia as an instrument in improving people to people relations in order to achieve strong bilateral relations. But in reality bilateral relations between the two countries often experience ups and downs. Therefore, Australia and Indonesia need to carry out cooperation through Australia's foreign assistance in the education sector. Australia's foreign development assistance to Indonesia began in the 1950s through the Colombo Plan program and in 2014 Australian foreign aid to the education sector through the New Colombo Plan. The purpose of this study is to find out what lies behind the emergence of the New Colombo Plan. In addition to describing the programs of the New Colombo Plan and the implementation process, it includes describing the impacts carried out through people to people diplomacy. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive method. The theory used in this research is the theory of liberalism and several concepts including: the concept of international cooperation, the concept of interdependent liberalism, the concept of diplomacy and the concept of foreign aid. Through the assistance of the Australian education program to Indonesia shows that the two countries have seriousness in strengthening bilateral cooperation to increase understanding of cultural differences and the education system by increasing person-to-person relationships through the education sector and providing an increase in the participation of Australian students to study in Indonesia and conversely and improve the quality of human resources in the education sector during the period 2014 to 2018. As for the background of the Colombo Plan program which was very successful, a New Colombo Plan program was created that provides long-term, short-term programs, language classes, and internships. The impact through people to people diplomacy through the program is going well and continues to be strengthened through the younger generation so that relations between the two countries can continue to exist despite often experiencing tensions.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Paramitha, Eva Nadia
Thesis advisor
Tambunan, Edwin Martua Bangun
Uncontrolled Keywords: kerja sama bilateral; diplomasi orang ke orang; New Colombo Plan; Australia; Indonesia
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Social and Political Science > International Relations
Depositing User: Users 2868 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2020 01:14
Last Modified: 28 Jul 2020 15:17
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/6415

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