Analisis yuridis terkait korban pelecehan berupa body checking terhadap finalis miss universe Indonesia menurut perspektif HAM

Febrianti, Putu Meilly Herlina (2024) Analisis yuridis terkait korban pelecehan berupa body checking terhadap finalis miss universe Indonesia menurut perspektif HAM. Bachelor thesis, Universtitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kasus pelecehan seksual terkait body checking dalam ajang Miss Universe Indonesia telah memicu kehebohan di Indonesia dan memunculkan perdebatan luas mengenai perlindungan hak-hak perempuan dalam industri kontes kecantikan. Body checking merupakan proses pengecekan tubuh yang menilai penampilan fisik seseorang untuk memenuhi standar tertentu, terutama dalam kontes kecantikan Miss Universe Indonesia. Kontes kecantikan seperti Miss Universe Indonesia sendiri dikenal sebagai ajang yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan perempuan dimana perempuan mendapatkan wadah tempat mereka menyuarakan isu – isu sosial yang menjadi advokasi mereka, serta mempromosikan nilai-nilai kesetaraan gender. Materi pembahasan terkait dengan “Analisis Yuridis Terkait Korban Pelecehan Berupa Body Checking Terhadap Finalis Miss Universe Indonesia Menurut Perspektif Ham”, membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum serta langkah hukum bagi korban sesuai perspektif hak asasi manusia. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah korban telah mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yang layak dalam kasus pelecehan yang dialami. Penelitian dalam tugas ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian yaitu penelitian dengan Statue Approach atau pendekatan Undang – Undang dan Conceptual Approach atau pendekatan konsep. Perlindungan hukum bagi korban body checking dalam finalis Miss Universe Indonesia merupakan salah satu upaya dalam menegakkan martabat dan hak asasi manusia khususnya bagi perempuan. LPSK dalam hal ini membantu korban untuk mendapatkan hak – hak nya, salah satunya yaitu mengenai restitusi. Finalis Miss Universe indonesia yang telah dirugikan dapat mengajukan penyelesaian kasus baik dengan penyelesaian non litigasi maupun litigasi serta dengan hukum khusus sesuai dengan Undang – Undang HAM / The case of sexual harassment related to body checking in the Miss Universe Indonesia competition has sparked a public uproar in Indonesia and sparked a wide debate about the protection of women's rights in the beauty pageant industry. Body checking refers to the process of evaluating a person's physical appearance to meet certain standards, particularly in the Miss Universe Indonesia competition. Beauty pageants like Miss Universe Indonesia are known for empowering women by providing a platform for them to voice social issues they advocate for, as well as promoting gender equality values. The subject matter of the discussion, titled "Juridical Analysis of Body Checking Harassment Victims in the Miss Universe Indonesia Finals from a Human Rights Perspective," addresses legal protection and legal measures for victims in accordance with human rights perspectives. This aims to determine whether the victim has received adequate legal protection in the harassment case they experienced. This research uses a research approach that includes the Statue Approach, which refers to legal statutes, and the Conceptual Approach, which refers to conceptual frameworks. Legal protection for the victim of body checking among Miss Universe Indonesia finalists is an effort to uphold dignity and human rights, particularly for women. In this regard, the LPSK (Witness and Victim Protection Agency) assists the victim in obtaining their rights, including restitution. The Miss Universe Indonesia finalist who has been harmed may pursue case resolution through both non-litigation and litigation processes, as well as special legal measures in accordance with human rights law
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Febrianti, Putu Meilly Herlina
Thesis advisor
Widjiastuti, Agustin
Thesis advisor
Panjaitan, Ananda Chrisna D.
Uncontrolled Keywords: miss universe Indonesia; body checking; sexual harassment; human rights; victims
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Law > 74201 - Department of Law
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Surabaya > Faculty of Law > 74201 - Department of Law
Depositing User: Rafael Rudy
Date Deposited: 10 Mar 2025 04:38
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2025 04:38

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