Analisis siklus Rankine rancangan desain pembangkit listrik tenaga uap untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit = Rankine cycle analysis of steam power plant design concept for palm oil plantations

Jeremy, Kenneth (2020) Analisis siklus Rankine rancangan desain pembangkit listrik tenaga uap untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit = Rankine cycle analysis of steam power plant design concept for palm oil plantations. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kebutuhan energi listrik yang besar dapat dipenuhi dengan adanya berbagai macam pembangkit listrik. Perkebunan kelapa sawit memiliki kebutuhan listrik untuk mengoperasikan seluruh keperluan perkebunan. Pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) cocok untuk mensuplai listrik pada perkebunan sawit karena tidak bergantung pada alam seperti pembangkit listrik tenaga matahari, air, dan angin. Dalam proses produksinya, perkebunan sawit menghasilkan limbah berupa serabut dan cangkang sawit dalam jumlah besar. Limbah tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi PLTU melalui pembakaran. Serabut dan cangkang sawit yang dibakar dalam ruang pembakaran boiler menghasilkan kalor yang masuk ke dalam air yang mengalir dalam pipa boiler. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber literatur dikaji untuk dianalisis dan diterapkan pada rancangan desain PLTU. Teori utama yang digunakan adalah teori termodinamika, siklus Rankine, dan heat value. Rancangan PLTU dengan output 3 MW ini memiliki tiga komponen utama yaitu feed water pump, boiler, dan turbin. Air dipompa oleh feed water pump ke boiler dengan tekanan 30 bar dan laju massa 41.700 kg/jam. Air bertekanan 30 bar yang mengalir dalam pipa boiler dipanaskan sampai pada titik didihnya yaitu 233,85°C, menjadi uap, kemudian dipanaskan lagi sampai suhu 300°C. Pemanasan air ini membutuhkan kalor sebesar 33.196 kJ/s. Dengan efisiensi boiler 78%, kalor yang harus dihasilkan bahan bakar sebesar 42.559 kJ/s. Jumlah kebutuhan bahan bakar yang berbeda tergantung pada persentase campuran bahan bakar yang digunakan. Uap diekspansi oleh turbin sampai tekanan 3 bar dengan suhu 133,52°C dan kualitas uap 0,9946. Uap ini masuk ke dalam back pressure vessel untuk sementara, kemudian masuk ke tabung sterilizer untuk digunakan dalam proses sterilization. Efisiensi termal diperoleh sebesar 24,92% dan efisiensi pembangkit listrik 6,97%. / Large electrical energy needed can be met by the existence of various kinds of power plants. Palm oil plantations need electricity to meet all plantation requirements. Steam power plants are suitable for supplying electricity to palm oil plantations because they do not depend on nature such as solar, hydro, and wind power plants. In the production process that produces waste in the form of fibers and palm shells in large quantities, the waste can be used as an energy source through combustion as an energy input for the power plant. Palm fiber and shells are burned in the boiler produce heat that enters the water which flows in the boiler pipe. This research was conducted by collecting informations from literatures and studying them to analyze and apply them to the design of steam power plant. The main theories used are thermodynamic, Rankine cycle, and heat value. The design of the power plant with an output of 3 MW has three main components namely feed water pump, boiler, and turbine. Water is pumped by a feed water pump to the boiler at a pressure of 30 bar and a mass rate of 41,700 kg/h. Flowing water in the boiler pipe is heated to its boiling point of 233.85°C, becoming steam, then heated further to a temperature of 300°C. This water heating requires 33,196 kJ/s of heat (with a boiler efficiency of 78%, heat that must be produced by fuel is 42,559 kJ/s) with different amounts of fuel requirements depending on the percentage of fuel mixture used. Steam is expanded by the turbine to a pressure of 3 bar with a temperature of 133.52°C and a vapor quality of 0.9946. This steam enters the back pressure vessel temporarily, then enters the sterilizer tube to be used in the sterilization process. Thermal efficiency was obtained as high as 24.92% and power plant efficiency is 6.97%.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Jeremy, Kenneth
Thesis advisor
Riman, Anthony
Thesis advisor
Jobiliong, Eric
Uncontrolled Keywords: back pressure; efisiensi; fibre; Rankine; shell; sterilization; PLTU
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Depositing User: Users 2664 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2020 06:23
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 03:31

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