Urgensi hukum bagi penyelenggara platform e-commerce di Indonesia

Confido, Jemy Vestius (2019) Urgensi hukum bagi penyelenggara platform e-commerce di Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Indonesia merupakan negara dengan potensi digital economy terbesar di Asia Tenggara yang dicerminkan dengan besarnya jumlah pengguna internet terutama secara mobile. Besarnya potensi tersebut mulai terwujud dengan kehadiran layanan e-commerce yang menjamur dan tumbuh secara pesat. Kehadiran e-commerce ini telah banyak menimbulkan fenomena sosial baru, yang utamanya dipicu oleh kehadiran penyedia platform layanan e-commerce yang sangat gencar melakukan berbagai kegiatan pemasaran. Hal ini akan menjadi hukum riil (das sein) apabila tidak dilakukan penataan secara hukum. Setelah melakukan kajian teori dan fungsi hukum, penulis menyarankan agar pendekatan hukum responsif lebih dikedepankan karena e-commerce merupakan suatu konstruksi sosial yang masih akan terus berkembang. Hal ini antara lain tercermin dari berbagai kasus dan permasalahan hukum terkait pengaturan layanan e-commerce yang muncul. Secara lebih spesifik, tatanan hukum yang sudah ada perlu mempertimbangkan kehadiran penyedia platform layanan e-commerce mengingat keberadaannya yang baru dan potensinya yang besar. Kehadiran hukum yang komprehensif terkait e-commerce menjadi sebuah kebutuhan. Dalam penerapannya, hukum e-commerce perlu mengendepankan prinsip lex specialis derogat legi generali dikarenakan sifatnya yang unik dan tidak bisa sepenuhnya mengadopsi hukum positif yang telah ada. Pengaturan hukum yang komprehensif diharapkan bisa menjadi pendorong tumbuhnya layanan e-commerce yang akan memperkuat ketahanan ekonomi nasional. Keseimbangan perlu diberikan antara membangun tatanan ekonomi nasional jangka panjang dengan meraih manfaat kinerja ekonomi jangka pendek. Pada gilirannya, penerapan hukum yang efektif akan menghasilkan kinerja yang produktif dari para pelaku e-commerce termasuk penyedia layanan (penyedia platform e-commerce, penyedia layanan pembayaran dan penyedia layanan logistik), pengguna (penjual dan pembeli) serta pemerintah selaku regulator / Indonesia is a country with the largest digital economy potential in South East Asia as indicated by number of its internet user especially through mobile access. This huge potential begins to realize with the presence of electronic commerce (e-commerce) services which grow very vastly and very fast. The presence of e-commerce has stimulated many new social phenomena, which is mainly triggered by e-commerce platform providers who intensively conduct marketing activities. This situation will become the real law (das sein) if it is not governed by law. After conducting research on legal theories and functions, responsive legal approach is advisable for e-commerce situation because it is a developing social construction. The opposite approach such as repressive and autonomous legal approach are not suitable to the matter. This conclusion is based on various e-commerce related legal cases which appear during the research. In more specific, existing legal order needs to consider the presence of e-commerce platform providers due to their new existence and the huge potentials they possess. The presence of comprehensive e-commerce law is a necessity in this digital economy era (ius constituendum). In its application, e-commerce law should put forward the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generali because of the unique characteristics of e-commerce while pre-existed positive law could not be entirely adopted. Comprehensive law arrangement is expected to stimulate the growth of e-commerce service in Indonesia, which in turn, it will strengthen the nation’s economy. Balance attention should be given between long term economy order while benefiting short term economic results. In turn, effective application of law will result in higher productivity of e-commerce players including e-commerce platform providers, payment service providers, logistics providers, users (sellers and buyers), and government as the regulator. Keywords: E-commerce, platform, hard laws, soft laws
Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Confido, Jemy Vestius
Thesis advisor
Agustina, Rosa
Thesis advisor
Budi, Henry Soelistyo
Additional Information: D 57-14 CON u
Uncontrolled Keywords: e-commerce ; platform ; hard laws ; sotf laws
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Law > Doctor of Law
Depositing User: Users 3366 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2020 04:57
Last Modified: 18 Aug 2021 10:43
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/7181

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