Model customer satisfaction pada proyek Rumah Susun Penjaringan ditinjau dari aspek perofrmance, role of communication, dan total quality management= customer satisfaction model in Penjaringan Public Housing based on performance, role of communication, and total quality management

Hadiprabowo, Kevin Saviano (2020) Model customer satisfaction pada proyek Rumah Susun Penjaringan ditinjau dari aspek perofrmance, role of communication, dan total quality management= customer satisfaction model in Penjaringan Public Housing based on performance, role of communication, and total quality management. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Populasi dunia yang terus meningkat dan dapat menyebabkan masalah untuk berbagai negara, salah satunya Indonesia. Masih banyak masyarakat yang tergolong berpenghasilan rendah dan tidak dapat memiliki rumah sendiri untuk ditinggali. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah membuat program berupa rumah susun untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Rumah susun di Indonesia saat ini cenderung kumuh, sehingga kesuksesan rumah susun perlu ditinjau melalui customer satisfaction. Berdasarkan studi literatur, customer satisfaction dapat dipengaruhi oleh variabel performance, role of communication, dan total quality management. Model untuk customer satisfaction dibuat berdasarkan tiga variabel tersebut yang telah dikembangkan menjadi 20 indikator. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode survei melalui wawancara, setelah itu data diolah dan variabel diuji untuk mendapatkan model customer satisfaction. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji deskriptif, reliabilitas, validitas, normalitas, korelasi, dan regresi. Berdasarkan model customer satisfaction, dapat diidentifikasi indikator yang paling mempengaruhi customer satisfaction pada rumah susun. Dari penelitian ini, didapat nilai customer satisfaction pada Rumah Susun Penjaringan yaitu 5,3 dari 6 yang berarti puas menuju sangat puas. Model yang diperoleh yaitu CS = 1,812 + 0,231P + 0,469TQM, dimana variabel yang mempengaruhi model adalah performance dan total quality management. Performance merupakan variabel yang paling mempengaruhi model customer satisfaction, dan variabel role of communication tidak termasuk dalam model customer satisfaction./World population that continues to grow and may creates problems for many countries, specifically for Indonesia. There are a lot of people who falls in the low incomes category, thus they could not afford to own a living space. Aiming to provide solution for this problem, the government made a program in form of public housing. Public housings in Indonesia tend to be slums, hence customer satisfaction is one of the most important thing to be considered and evaluated. Based on research, customer satisfaction influenced by performance, role of communication, and total quality management. Customer satisfaction model will be analyzed with three variables, which consist 20 indicators. Interview survey method is used in collecting data from respondents. Data is processed and tested to generate a customer satisfaction model. This model, indicates which variables gives the most impact to customer satisfaction. Based on this research, people who live at Penjaringan Public Housing are satisfied with an average customer satisfaction rating is 5,3 out of 6. The customer satisfaction model is CS = 1,812 + 0,231P + 0,469TQM, where performance and total quality management are the two variables that influence customer satisfaction model, with total quality management as the most influential variable. Role of communication is excluded from customer satisfaction model. Because role of communication doesn’t have any correlation with customer satisfaction.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Hadiprabowo, Kevin Saviano
Thesis advisor
Djukardi, Andreas Kurniawan
Uncontrolled Keywords: customer satisfaction; performance; role of communication; total quality management
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Users 2358 not found.
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2020 07:05
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 02:42

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