Hubungan perilaku perawat dalam pengelolaan jarum suntik paska pakai dengan kejadian tertusuk jarum suntik di Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang = Nurse will be conduct relationships for use of the needle post hypodermic needle stick events in Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang

Pakpahan, Sinta Royana (2012) Hubungan perilaku perawat dalam pengelolaan jarum suntik paska pakai dengan kejadian tertusuk jarum suntik di Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang = Nurse will be conduct relationships for use of the needle post hypodermic needle stick events in Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kecelakaan tertusuk jarum merupakan istilah untuk kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi pada petugas kesehatan berupa tertusuk oleh jarum suntik atau terluka oleh benda tajam lainnya sebelum, setelah atau ketika memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Kejadian cidera tertusuk jarum diharapkan berada dalam interval 0 sementara fenomena yang ada menunjukkan ada 9 kejadian paparan benda tajam dan cairan tubuh pasien selama tahun 2010 di Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku perawat dalam pengelolaan jarum suntik paska pakai dengan kejadian kecelakaan tertusuk jarum suntik di Silam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional, dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana di ruang perawatan lantai 4 dengan total sampling dengan jumlah 25 responden dan dilakukan observasi checklist dengan uji chi – square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan (p = 0,524) antara perilaku perawat dalam pengelolaan jarum suntik paska pakai dengan kejadian tertusuk jarum suntik. Perawat memiliki perilaku yang benar sebanyak 28% dan perilaku salah sebanyak 72% serta dalam pengolahan jarum suntik ditemukan satu kejadian dan 24 responden tidak ditemukannya kecelakaan tertusuk jarum suntik. Rekomendasi: diharapkan tetap meningkatkan dan mempertahankan perilaku yang baik serta menjadi motivasi dalam peningkatan keselamatan kerja./ Accidental needle is a term for workplace accidents that occur in the form of health care workers stuck by needles or other sharp objects hurt by before, after or when providing health services. Incidence of needle injury is expected to be in the interval 0 a temporary phenomenon that suggests there are 9 events exposure sharps and body fluids of patients during the year 2010 in Siloam Hospitals Lippo Cikarang. This study aims to determine the relationship behavior of the nurses will be in management of post – disposable syringe with needle stick accidents in the last Hospitals Lippo Cikarang. The study design was cross sectional, with the type of quantitative research. Population and study sample was the nurse executive in the treatment room four floor with total sampling by the number of 25 respondents and conducted observation checklist with the chi - square. The results showed no association (p = 0.524) between the behavior of nurse will be in management of post – disposable syringe needle stick accidents. Nurses have the right attitude as much as 28% and 72% incorrect behavior in processing as well as syringes and found an incidence of 24 respondents found no needle stick accidents. Recommendation: expected to keep improving and maintaining good behavior and motivation in improving workplace safety.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Pakpahan, Sinta Royana
Simbolon, Sedia
Elysabeth, Dame
Additional Information: SK 501-10 PAK h
Uncontrolled Keywords: needle stick incident; the behavior of nurses; the management of the syringe
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Nursing > Nursing
Depositing User: Mrs Veronica Fitri Astuti
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2018 06:35
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2021 06:58

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