Pengaruh diabetes melitus terhadap hasil uji konversi BTA sputum setelah pemberian terapi tuberkulosis kategori i tahap intensif di RSU Siloam Lippo Village periode 2016-2017 = Effect of diabetes mellitus on sputum smear conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis on intensive phase of category i therapy at RSU Siloam Hospital Lippo Village period 2016-2017

Budiono, Chelsea Priskilla (2018) Pengaruh diabetes melitus terhadap hasil uji konversi BTA sputum setelah pemberian terapi tuberkulosis kategori i tahap intensif di RSU Siloam Lippo Village periode 2016-2017 = Effect of diabetes mellitus on sputum smear conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis on intensive phase of category i therapy at RSU Siloam Hospital Lippo Village period 2016-2017. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Background: Indonesia is the fifth highest country with tuberculosis (TB). The number of deaths caused by TB is far too great considering the fact that tuberculosis can be prevented and treated. In the last few decades, the prevalence of TB and diabetes mellitus (DM) has increased. Diabetics have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of developing tuberculosis. Sputum smear conversion rate is one of the indicators to assess the progress and success of TB control. Factors such as hyperglycemia or diabetes mellitus had been reportedto have an effect on sputum smear conversion. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of diabetes mellitus on sputum smear conversion on intensive phase of category I therapy. Methods: This study used a qualitative analytical retrospective cross-section that compares the sputum smear conversion of TB patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus through the patient’s medical record data in RSU Siloam Lippo Village period 2016-2017. The obtained data will be analysed by Chi Square test or Fischer test method. Result: There are a total of 56 subjects. Data shows from 35 subjects experiencing sputum smear nonconversion with 27 subjects (96,4%) have diabetes mellitus. There were 21 patients experiencing sputum smear conversion and 20 (71,4%) of them had no diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus has an effect on sputum smear conversion result at RSU Siloam Lippo Village period 2016-2017 with significant result p-value 0,000 Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus has a significant effect (p = 0,000) on sputum smear conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis on intensive phase of category I therapy at RSU Siloam Hospital Lippo Village period 2016-2017 / Latar Belakang: Indonesia merupakan negara penderita tuberkulosis (TB) kelima terbanyak di dunia. Jumlah kematian yang disebabkan oleh TB terlampau besar mengingat tuberkulosis dapat dicegah dan diobati. Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, prevalensi TB dan DM meningkat. Penderita DM memiliki risiko 2 hingga 3 kali lebih tinggi untuk terkena tuberkulosis. Angka konversi BTA sputum merupakan salah satu indikator untuk menilai kemajuan dan keberhasilan penanggulangan TB. Akan tetapi, beberapa faktor seperti hiperglikemi ataupun diabetes melitus telah dilaporkan dapat mempengaruhi konversi BTA sputum. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh diabetes melitus terhadap hasil uji konversi BTA sputum setelah pemberian terapi tuberkulosis paru kategori I tahap intensif. Metode Penelitian: Studi kualitatif analitik retrospektif potong lintang yang membandingkan konversi BTA sputum pasien TB disertai dan tidak disertai DM melalui data rekam medis pasien di RSU Siloam Lippo Village periode 2016- 2017. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode uji Chi Square atau Fischer. Hasil: Data yang didapat dari total 56 subjek menunjukkan bahwa 35 subjek yang tidak mengalami konversi hasil uji BTA sputum, 27 diantaranya memiliki diabetes melitus (96,4%). Terdapat 21 pasien yang mengalami konversi hasil uji BTA sputum dan 20 diantara tidak memiliki diabetes melitus (71,4%). Diabetes melitus memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil uji BTA sputum di RSU Siloam Lippo Village periode 2016-2017 dengan hasil signifikan yang diperoleh p-value < 0,05 yaitu 0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh antara diabetes melitus dengan hasil uji konversi BTA sputum setelah pemberian terapi tuberkulosis paru kategori I tahap intensif secara bermakna di RSU Siloam Lippo Village periode 2016-2017 (p = 0,000)
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Budiono, Chelsea Priskilla
Thesis advisor
Tanaka, Michael
Additional Information: SK 71-15 BUD p
Uncontrolled Keywords: tuberkulosis paru; diabetes melitus; uji konversi sputum BTA; pulmonary tuberculosis; diabetes mellitus; sputum smear conversion test.
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Medicine > Medicine
Depositing User: Users 13 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2020 06:32
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2021 08:56

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