Sistem informasi untuk pengelolaan servis mobil berbasis web = Information system for web-based car service management

Angelica, Michelle (2019) Sistem informasi untuk pengelolaan servis mobil berbasis web = Information system for web-based car service management. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Setiap kendaraan memerlukan perbaikan atau servis, salah satunya adalah kendaraan mobil. Pada saat ini sebagian besar bengkel mobil hanya memberikan dua cara pemesanan servis, yaitu pemesanan servis melalui telepon atau datang langsung ke bengkel. Fasilitas pemesanan yang sudah ada masih belum efisien karena masih mengandalkan cara yang manual seperti dengan menelepon atau mengirim pesan elektronik kepada bengkel. Hal ini menyebabkan rentannya terjadi human error dalam proses pemesanan servis. Proses pemesanan juga menjadi rumit serta menghabiskan tenaga dan waktu. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan bengkel, dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat mengatur pemesanan servis dan menyatukan proses pengaturan jadwal, penyampaian keluhan, serta penentuan estimasi biaya servis yang kemudian terhubung dengan proses pembayaran di bengkel. Selain itu sistem tersebut juga dibutuhkan untuk menjadi penghubung antara proses-proses lainnya dalam bengkel seperti pengelolaan daftar servis, karyawan, pelanggan, dan stok suku cadang. Sistem pengelolaan servis mobil dikembangkan menggunakan metodologi Rapid Application Development (RAD) yaitu prototyping. Sedangkan untuk pemodelan sistem, Unified Modelling Language (UML) digunakan dengan membuat use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, dan table relationship diagram. Pembangunan sistem akan dilakukan berdasarkan informasi-informasi yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur, wawancara pihak bengkel dan survei pelanggan bengkel. Hasil akhir dari tugas akhir ini adalah berupa sistem informasi untuk pengelolaan servis mobil berbasis web. Sistem dapat diakses oleh 5 jenis pengguna, yaitu super admin, admin servis, layanan pelanggan, kasir, dan pelanggan bengkel. Sistem yang dibangun dapat menunjang kegiatan dan proses bisnis dalam bengkel mobil./ Every vehicle requires repairs or services and car is one of them. Currently, most car repair shops only provide two ways of ordering services, via telephone or coming directly to the repair shops. The current ordering facilities are still not efficient because they still rely on manual methods such as calling or sending electronic messages to the repair shops. This can cause human errors to occur during the process of ordering services. The booking process also becomes more complicated. To improve the service quality of car repair shops, a system is needed which can perform service booking and unites the schedule management process, complaints submission process, and service’s costs estimation process which then connected to the payment process in the repair shop. The system is also needed to connect other processes in the repair shop such as managing service lists, employees, customers, and stock of spare parts. The car service management system is developed using Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, which is prototyping. While for modelling the system, Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used so the modelling process consists of making uses case diagram, activity diagrams, class diagram, and table relationship diagram. The system is developed based on information obtained through literature study, car repair shop interviews and car repair shop’s customer surveys. The result of this final project consists of an information system for web-based car service management. The system can be accessed by 5 types of users, which is super admin, service admin, customer service, cashier, and customer. The system can support business activities and processes in a car repair shop.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Angelica, Michelle
Thesis advisor
Aribowo, Arnold
Additional Information: SK 81-15 ANG s 2019; 31001000244336
Uncontrolled Keywords: information system; car service; RAD; prototyping; PHP; UML.
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Information Science and Technology > Information Systems
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > School of Information Science and Technology > Information Systems
Depositing User: Users 17 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2020 07:43
Last Modified: 24 Jul 2024 07:24

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