Evaluasi kode mutu SNI 7973:2013 terhadap hasil uji empiris kayu kamper samarinda, kayu nyatoh, dan kayu mahoni = Evaluation of sni 7973:2013 wood quality on the results of the empirical test of kamper timber Samarinda, nyatoh and mahoni

AU, Chuenliana Audi (2019) Evaluasi kode mutu SNI 7973:2013 terhadap hasil uji empiris kayu kamper samarinda, kayu nyatoh, dan kayu mahoni = Evaluation of sni 7973:2013 wood quality on the results of the empirical test of kamper timber Samarinda, nyatoh and mahoni. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kesuksesan perencanaan konstruksi kayu sangat ditentukan oleh mutu kayu yang digunakan. Mutu kayu yang mengacu ketentuan lama (PKKI 1961) didasarkan pada jenis (nama) kayu yang dikorelasikan dengan berat jenis (BJ). Semakin besar BJ kayu, semakin kuat kayunya. Tetapi cara tersebut mulai ditinggalkan karena variasi nilainya cukup besar sehingga tidak memenuhi standar desain terkini. Code kayu yang baru, SNI 7973:2013 tidak lagi mengacu nama kayu, tetapi dengan nilai Modulus Elastisitas Lentur (E) hasil pemilahan secara mekanik. Untuk kepentingan perencanaan Nilai Desain diperoleh dari SNI (Tabel 4.2.1), sesuai nilai E. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk evaluasi ketepatan Nilai Desain SNI dengan hasil uji empiris, baik yang merusak maupun tidak merusak. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian beban lentur tidak merusak kayu Kamper, Nyatoh dan Mahoni dapat diklasifikasikan berturutturut dengan kode mutu E11, E9 dan E7 di tabel SNI 7973:2013, dan dibuktikan dengan uji merusak bahwa nilai kekuatan ijin pada tabel SNI tersebut bersifat konservatif untuk mutu kelas yang sesuai, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem klasifikasi mutu kayu menggunakan SNI 7973:2013 aman untuk digunakan, sehingga penggunaannya diharapkan untuk lebih meluas. / The success rate of timber construction planning is largely determined by the quality of the material. The old standard (PKKI 1961) provides the timber grading system based on the name of the wood, closely related to the specific gravity. The specific gravity of timber is known to be directly proportional to its strength. Nevertheless, the grading system needs an immediate modification in order to comply with the newest design standards, in which the variation of the strength values are strictly prohibited. Therefore, the newest code (SNI 7973:2013) has been released to meet such requirement by means of sophisticated codenames based on the elastic modulus of the timber obtained by mechanical test (hence replacing the old, name-based grading system). This research attempts to evaluate the accuracy of the design values embedded in the norm using empirical nondestructive and destructive loading tests. Kamper, Nyatoh, and Mahogany woods can be classified according to the respective elastic modulus by the codename of E11, E9, and E7, respectively. Moreover, the destructive tests are conducted to prove that the strength of the tested timbers exceeds the design strength values referred from the norm, thus validating the safety of the design values in the SNI 7973:2013. The results are aimed to prove that the newest norm can be fully utilized in daily practice.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
AU, Chuenliana Audi
Thesis advisor
Dewobroto, Wiryanto
Thesis advisor
Daniel, Christian Gerald
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nilai Desain Acuan; tegangan ijin; SNI 7973:2013; kadar air kayu; reference design value; bending stress; sni 7973: 2013; wood moisture content
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Civil Engineering
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 04 May 2020 04:57
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2020 02:05
URI: http://repository.uph.edu/id/eprint/8555

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