Perumusan strategi untuk meningkatan brand awareness pada PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera menggunakan analisis swot = Strategic formulation for improving brand awareness on PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera with swot analysis

Yodo, Danny (2019) Perumusan strategi untuk meningkatan brand awareness pada PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera menggunakan analisis swot = Strategic formulation for improving brand awareness on PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera with swot analysis. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Brand Awareness atau kesadaran merek merupakan salah satu elemen paling penting bagi perusahaan. Pada PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera, kesadaran mereknya masih cenderung rendah dikarenakan produk utama dari perusahaan yang merupkan aplikasi Smart In Pays masih merupakan aplikasi start-up. Dapat dilihat dari jumlah pengunduh dan pengguna aktif dari aplikasi masih angkanya masih jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan kompetitor lainnya. Sebab itu dirumuskan strategi yang dapat meningkatkan brand awareness perusahaan. Penelitian dimulai dari pengumpulan data-data bauran pemasaran PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera. Setelah itu, dilakukan penilaian terhadap faktor internal dan eksternal dari bauran pemasaran. Faktor internal (strength dan weakness) dinilai oleh responden yang pernah menggunakan dan mendapat penjelasan aplikasi SIP. Faktor eksternal (opportunity dan threat) dinilai oleh pihak manajemen PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa nilai skor tertimbang IFE sebesar 2.971, yang artinya faktor kekuatan internal perusahaan lebih besar. Hasil skor tertimbang EFE yang didapat sebesar 3.013, yang artinya faktor peluang eksternal perusahaan lebih besar. Dengan penilaian IFE dan EFE tersebut, kondisi perusahaan dapat diketahui terdapat pada kuadran I diagram cartesius SWOT. Strategi yang tepat untuk PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera menurut kondisi perusahaan adalah strategi agresif dan strategi SO. Strategi SO berupa meningkatkan kualitas aplikasi di mata publik, mengedukasi konsumen, dan meningkatkan loyalitas merek. / Brand awareness is one of the most important elements for a company. At PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera, brand awareness still tends to be low because the company’s main product which is the Smart In Pays application is still a start-up application. Can be seen from the number of downloaders and active users of the application, the number is still much lower than other competitors. Therefore a strategy is formulated that can improve the company's brand awareness. The research began with the collection of PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera's marketing mix data. After that, the internal and external factors of the marketing mix are assessed. Internal factors (strength and weakness) are assessed by respondents who have used and received an explanation of the SIP application. External factors (opportunity and threat) were assessed by the management of PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera. The results show that the IFE weighted score is 2.971, which means that the company's internal strength is greater. The results of the EFE weighted score are 3,013, which means the company's external opportunity factors are greater. With the IFE and EFE assessment, the condition of the company can be found in quadrant I SWOT cartesius diagrams. The right strategy for PT Prioritas Inti Sejahtera according to company conditions is an aggressive strategy and SO strategy. The SO strategy involves improving the quality of applications for public, educating consumers, and increasing brand loyalty.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Yodo, Danny
Thesis advisor
Silalahi, Rudy V.
Thesis advisor
Jobiliong, Eric
Uncontrolled Keywords: brand awareness ; internal factor evaluation ; eksternal factor evaluation ; swot analysis
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering. Management engineering
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Science and Technology > Industrial Engineering
Depositing User: Users 16 not found.
Date Deposited: 15 May 2020 07:50
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2020 07:09

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