Gambaran proses seleksi karyawan pada divisi it di PT pamapersada nusantara

Zaenab, Ma'shumah (2019) Gambaran proses seleksi karyawan pada divisi it di PT pamapersada nusantara. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Meningkatnya kebutuhan operasional perusahaan dalam mengerjakan banyaknya projek, salah satunya perkembangan jaringan dan infrastruktur, maka diperlukan teknologi informasi (IT) dan komunikasi yang mumpuni. Peningkatan operasional perusahaan, diperlukan karyawan yang memiliki kualifikasi dengan latar belakang pendidikan sistem informasi, teknik informasi dan memiliki pengalaman pengembangan projek berbasis IT. Kemampuan tersebut untuk dapat menjalankan projek perusahaan dengan baik dan sesuai. PT. Pamapersada Nusantara melakukan seleksi karyawan untuk mendapatkan karyawan yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi divisi IT serta perusahaan. Penelitan ini menggambarkan proses seleksi karyawan pada divisi IT di PT. Pamapersada Nusantara. Penelitian ini menganalisa gambaran proses seleksi menggunakan teori Spector. Menurut Spector (2012) tahap proses seleksi diperlukan adanya prediktor dan kriteria. Pengambilan data untuk melihat prediktor dan kriteria pada tahap proses seleksi di penelitian ini menggunakan semi-structured interview kepada tiga orang subjek, yaitu satu orang supervisor departement people development, satu orang orang user divisi IT, dan satu orang kepala departemen HRD pada periode waktu bulan Agustus hingga Desember 2018. Hasil wawancara dengan ketiga subjek, bahwa divisi IT di PT. Pamapersada Nusantara diperlukan karyawan yang memiliki kualifikasi yang sesuai dengan divisi IT dan terdapat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan karyawan yang sesuai. Kesulitan tersebut dapat menghambat pengerjaan projek salah satunya jaringan dan infrastruktur yang berguna dalam operasional perusahaan / The increasing operational needs of the company in working on many projects, one of them is the development of networks and infrastructure, it requires information technology (IT) and capable communication. Improved company operations, required qualified employees with information systems education background, information engineering and have experience in developing IT-based projects. The ability to be able to run the project company with a good and appropriate. PT. Pamapersada Nusantara selects employees to get employees who are in line with the qualifications of the IT and company divisions. This research describe the employee selection process at the IT division at PT. Pamapersada Nusantara. This study analyzes the description of the selection process using Spector's theory. According to Spector (2012), the selection process required predictors and criteria. Retrieval of data to see predictors and criteria at the stage of the selection process in this study used semi-structured interviews to three subjects, namely one person development department supervisor, one IT division user, and one HRD head in the August period. until December 2018. The results of interviews with the three subjects, that the IT division at PT. Pamapersada Nusantara requires employees who have qualifications that are in line with the IT division and there are difficulties in getting suitable employees. These difficulties can hamper the construction of projects, one of which is the network and infrastructure that are useful in the company's operations.
Item Type: Thesis (Bachelor)
Zaenab, Ma'shumah
Thesis advisor
Ezrani, Mutiara
Additional Information: SK 121-15 ZAE g
Uncontrolled Keywords: Seleksi; HRD; Wawancara; PT. Pamapersada Nusantara; Selection; Interview
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Divisions: University Subject > Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Psychology > Psychology
Current > Faculty/School - UPH Karawaci > Faculty of Psychology > Psychology
Depositing User: Mr Samuel Noya
Date Deposited: 24 May 2020 09:10
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2022 02:25

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